腦 MRI 結果疑問

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我最近因為耳鳴做了一個腦MRI WO/W contrast,檢查結果上寫的一些findings我不太懂,麻煩大家幫我看看。


2. A few scattered, nonspecific FLAIR hyperintense foci within the
supratentorial white matter. 

    On the initial axial T2 sequence through the IAC (series 501) there is
suggestion of abnormal signal within the pons and medulla. This is not
appreciated on the additional sequences and most compatible with artifact.


3. Vessels course adjacent to the bilateral cisternal segments of cranial

nerves VII/VIII with potential contact, of uncertain clinical significance.

醫生說“it looks good", 然後要我跟她約時間詳細解釋。我已經約了,但想先了解一下是什麽情況。我覺得自己目前應該不會有dementia,但看到這些情況不知對老年的影響是什麽,所以第2點那個WMH特點讓我擔心。請問有哪位曾經經曆過這個或懂這個的?麻煩指點一下。謝謝!
