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FDA hasn't authorized a two-minute test for coronavirus
A California company falsely claimed cargo planes were ready to ship millions of blood tests that could detect the new coronavirus in just two minutes and had won emergency authorization from the federal government
AMANDA SEITZ Associated Press
April 1, 2020, 6:57 PM
4 min read

CHICAGO -- A California company falsely claimed cargo planes were ready to ship millions of blood tests that could detect the new coronavirus in just two minutes and had won emergency authorization from the federal government.

The Food and Drug Administration confirmed Wednesday, however, that it has not authorized any such test to be used for diagnosing coronavirus. The federal agency has warned of people peddling fraudulent coronavirus tests, vaccines, drugs and medical devices.

Media outlets around the world picked up the false news after an entity calling itself Bodysphere Inc. distributed a press release claiming it got such approval.

California state business filings do not show any record of Bodysphere Inc. A phone number listed on Bodysphere's website was disconnected and later removed from the site by Wednesday afternoon. A publicist for Bodysphere did not return repeated requests for comment.

In its press release Tuesday, Bodysphere claimed its test had already been “used successfully in several states.” It was published a day after President Donald Trump touted the FDA's approval last week of a swab test that can detect the illness in five minutes.

it actively spreads, said Northwestern University’s Institute for Global Health director Robert L. Murphy.

“I would be very wary of anybody trying to sell an antibody tests,” Murphy said.

In an email, the FDA said it is not authorizing any blood tests for detection of coronavirus.



從你虛假消息裏頭看到在美國FD沒有批準任何這類檢測產品。所以網上老中販賣這類的東西也是不允許的。 -lucy2008liu- 給 lucy2008liu 發送悄悄話 lucy2008liu 的博客首頁 (129 bytes) () 04/02/2020 postreply 08:33:01

唉,你真擰巴,服了。1我貼的是辟謠文章,特指你上麵那是虛假消息! 2 什麽叫美國FDA沒有批準“任何”這類檢測產品? -pickshell- 給 pickshell 發送悄悄話 (485 bytes) () 04/02/2020 postreply 09:49:28



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