try immunotherapy or gene therpy for this patient

回答: 求助-侄兒肺癌靶向藥失效hawaii42018-10-11 22:10:38

Try immunotherapy or gene therapy for the patient. For gene therapy, try to use our latest therapeutics, RNA micorvesicles (RNAmv). RNAmv is made of transcriptomic products by transfecting human 293T cells with 8 different anti-genes or shRNAs. RNAmv has no threat to host cell genome, poses no side effect on patients. RNAmv has been in clinical trial in Tokyo, Japan since 2019.

If you can find doctor or doctors who will use RNAmv to treat the patient, we can provide you with the therapeutic GTRV-Mm8.


RNTein Biotech Lab.

San Gabriel, California, USA

(626) 400-6603,,



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