
來源: nowayitsover 2020-03-03 15:26:39 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (3826 bytes)
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The genetic sequences of patients in the Seattle-King County region suggest the virus has been circulating there since about mid-January, when the first U.S. patient — a man who returned from Wuhan — was diagnosed, Bedford wrote in the analysis, published online.

The spread of the virus has gone undetected in part because many infected people experience only mild infections that could be confused for a cold or the flu, and in part because of stumbles in the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s effort to develop test kits for state and local public health laboratories, which has meant very little testing has been done in the country until the past few days.

On Capitol Hill, Washington Sen. Patty Murray (D) expressed deep frustration with the situation.“The failure to develop and distribute working test kits to public health agencies has really cost us valuable time. I am hearing from people personally across our state who are frustrated,” Murray said.

“They believe they have been exposed, they are sick, they want to get tested, they have nowhere to go,” she added. “People want to be safe and protected, they do not want to spread this, they want to take care of themselves but we don’t have the capability right now to do it with the policies we have in place.”

Bedford said Seattle faces a stark choice — take aggressive actions to slow down the spread of the new coronavirus now or face the type of outbreak that engulfed Wuhan’s health facilities and led to a lockdown of the city that remains in place six weeks later.





看來醫學界還是有common sense的, 川普政府想隱瞞。 -nowayitsover- 給 nowayitsover 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 03/03/2020 postreply 15:32:50

美國政府的態度:無為而治,放任自流,犧牲少數,穩定經濟。 -fuz- 給 fuz 發送悄悄話 fuz 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 03/03/2020 postreply 16:07:33

CDC的做法:獨立自主,自立更生。一切自己說了算,絕不引進外援。 -fuz- 給 fuz 發送悄悄話 fuz 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 03/03/2020 postreply 16:14:18

當地政府已經買了幾個motel,準備當輕症病房及隔離場所,以補充醫院床位不足 -fuz- 給 fuz 發送悄悄話 fuz 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 03/03/2020 postreply 16:18:31

現在擔心美國醫院能不能調動那們多醫護人員?軍隊可以調些,其他地方醫護也緊缺。 -老子說兩句- 給 老子說兩句 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 03/03/2020 postreply 16:27:41

調不動,除非自願,或招募 -fuz- 給 fuz 發送悄悄話 fuz 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 03/03/2020 postreply 16:54:25

夠嗆,沒有配套服務就和日本遊輪差不多 -nowayitsover- 給 nowayitsover 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 03/03/2020 postreply 18:58:52

華州的病毒傳到北卡了,如同武漢向全國輸出。 -fuz- 給 fuz 發送悄悄話 fuz 的博客首頁 (726 bytes) () 03/03/2020 postreply 16:25:50

和中國一樣,各州如何應對決定最後嚴重程度 -nowayitsover- 給 nowayitsover 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 03/03/2020 postreply 18:53:51



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