柳涯客: 關於提高新型冠狀病毒核酸陽性檢出率以及速度的對策(草稿)

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我們需要成立科技攻關小組,做多方麵的嚐試,攻克核酸檢測的技術和方法的限製,在近期集中解決幾個重要的問題, 我的分析和對策是:

1. 為了提高陽性檢出率,改進取樣


取樣病毒量少是核酸檢測陽性率低的關鍵原因。鼻拭子和咽拭子說白了就是護士拿棉簽刮一下鼻和咽送檢。另外病程的時間段(早期,中期和危重期), 刮的位置和手法個人不同也是導致30-50%陽性率的原因。提高檢出率的核心在於提高病毒取樣量。




棉簽雖然方便,但取樣後不易洗脫病毒,效率受到影響,將來爭取用易裂解的材料作拭子, 不洗脫,可以提高病毒的數量。


輕症病人增設洗鼻液,漱口液; 肺炎病人增設血液。顯然,肺泡灌洗液不適合輕症病人,那麽,洗鼻液和漱口液就值得嚐試了。洗鼻的方法如同過敏性鼻炎的洗鼻。洗鼻液和漱口液離心2分鍾 (10000RCF) 收集細胞。我覺得洗鼻液的陽性率可能會比鼻拭子高。將來開發病毒吸附劑可能改善富集方法,增加病毒數量。



運輸和待檢過程長達數小時至2天,期間的病毒RNA降解也是需要考慮的因素,我的對策是:提取RNA 之前采樣和病毒滅活由護士進行,然後密封常溫運輸至檢測室,加病毒滅活溶液後能防止病毒RNA降解。

2. 提高新型冠狀病毒核酸檢測速度





美國FDA2月4日前,所有的新型冠狀病毒核酸檢測都要求送到美國疾控中心(CDC)檢測,等待時間為2-5天。FDA2月4日緊急下放檢新型冠狀病毒測權限到各地區CDC核準授權實驗室,加快了檢測進程(附1, 2)。但是美國隻有12例感染者,沒有太大的檢測需求。



找不到足夠檢驗員怎麽辦,武漢有60多家醫院,每個醫院抽3個人不難。全國已支援萬多醫務人員,增加支援200個檢驗員應該可行, 這樣就是200人。另一個選擇則是招募200個生物研究生或醫學本科生(上過生物實驗科),培訓半天就可以勝任。



4) 病毒滅活劑 (TRIZOL)

病毒滅活劑 (TRIZOL)的主要成分是苯酚。苯酚的作用是裂解細胞,使細胞中的蛋白變性,釋放核酸物質 (RNA)。由於苯酚不能完全抑製RNA酶活性,TRIzol中還加了8-羥基喹啉、異硫氰酸胍、貝塔巰基乙醇等來抑製內源和外源RNA酶。參見附3, 微量總 RNA 提取試劑盒及方法

總之,100個檢驗員15台機器一天就可以人工檢測2萬個樣品, 我覺得200人30台機器一天檢測4萬樣品應該能夠實現。

以上是我的關於提高新型冠狀病毒核酸陽性檢出率和速度的對策,希望轉貼或轉告。隻要有關國家或武漢市領導能夠看到並考慮提高新型冠狀病毒核酸陽性檢出率和速度, 也是我們大洋彼岸華人科學家為戰勝新型冠狀病毒疫情出的一分力。



附2: 美國FDA緊急授權通知(機器翻譯版)

附3: 微量總 RNA 提取試劑盒及方法, 根據Huang C (Lancet. 2020 Jan 24) 方法改編



附1. CDC-2019-nCoV-Authorization

Robert R. Redfield, MD

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 1600 Clifton Rd., MS D-14

Atlanta, GA 30333

Dear Dr. Redfield:

This letter is in response to your request that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issue an
Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) for emergency use of the Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention (CDC) 2019-Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Real-Time Reverse Transcriptase

(RT)-PCR Diagnostic Panel for the presumptive qualitative detection of nucleic acid from the
2019-nCoV in upper and lower respiratory specimens (such as nasopharyngeal or
oropharyngeal swabs, sputum, lower respiratory tract aspirates, bronchoalveolar lavage, and
nasopharyngeal wash/aspirate or nasal aspirate) collected from individuals who meet CDC
criteria for 2019-nCoV testing, pursuant to Section 564 of the Federal Food, Drug, and
Cosmetic Act (the Act) (21 U.S.C. §360bbb-3).  Testing is limited to qualified laboratories
designated by CDC and, in the United States, certified under the Clinical Laboratory
Improvement Amendments of 1988 (CLIA), 42 U.S.C. § 263a, to perform high complexity

On Feburary 4, 2020, pursuant to Section 564(b)(1)(C) of the Act, the Secretary of the

Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) determined that there is a public health

emergency that has a significant potential to affect national security or the health and security of United States citizens living abroad, and that involves the 2019-nCoV.  Pursuant to Section 564 of the Act, and on the basis of such determination, the Secretary of HHS then declared that
circumstances exist justifying the authorization of emergency use of in vitro diagnostics for detection and/or diagnosis of the novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) subject to the terms of any authorization issued under Section 564(a) of the Act.2


Having concluded that the criteria for issuance of this authorization under Section 564(c) of the
Act are met, I am authorizing the emergency use of the CDC 2019-nCoV Real-Time RT-PCR
Diagnostic Panel (as described in the scope Section of this letter (Section II)) in individuals who


1 For ease of reference, this letter will refer to “qualified laboratories designated by CDC and, in the United States, certified under the Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments of 1988 (CLIA), 42 U.S.C. § 263a, to perform high complexity tests” as “authorized laboratories.”

2 U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Determination of a Public Health Emergency and Declaration that Circumstances Exist Justifying Authorizations Pursuant to Section 564(b) of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, 21 U.S.C. § 360bbb-3. Feburary 4, 2020


Page 2 - Dr. Redfield, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention


meet CDC criteria for 2019-nCoV testing for the presumptive detection of 2019-nCoV by authorized laboratories, subject to the terms of this authorization.

I. Criteria for Issuance of Authorization

I have concluded that the emergency use of the CDC 2019-nCoV Real-Time RT-PCR

Diagnostic Panel in individuals who meet CDC criteria for 2019-nCoV testing meets the
criteria for issuance of an authorization under Section 564(c) of the Act, because I have
concluded that:

1.  The 2019-nCoV can cause a serious or life-threatening disease or condition, including
      severe respiratory illness, to humans infected by this virus;

2.  Based on the totality of scientific evidence available to FDA, it is reasonable to believe
      that the CDC 2019-nCoV Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel may be effective in

diagnosing 2019-nCoV infection, and that the known and potential benefits of the CDC 2019-nCoV Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel, when used for diagnosing 2019-nCoV infection, outweigh the known and potential risks of such product; and

3.  There is no adequate, approved, and available alternative to the emergency use of the
      CDC 2019-nCoV Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel for diagnosing 2019-nCoV


II. Scope of Authorization

I have concluded, pursuant to Section 564(d)(1) of the Act, that the scope of this authorization is limited to the use of the authorized CDC 2019-nCoV Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel by authorized laboratories for the presumptive detection of 2019-nCoV in individuals who meet CDC criteria for 2019-nCoV testing.


The Authorized CDC 2019-nCoV Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel


The CDC 2019-nCoV Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel is for the presumptive detection of
2019-nCoV RNA in upper and lower respiratory specimens (such as nasopharyngeal or
oropharyngeal swabs, sputum, lower respiratory tract aspirates, bronchoalveolar lavage, and
nasopharyngeal wash/aspirate or nasal aspirate), and other authorized specimens collected from
individuals who meet CDC criteria for 2019-nCoV testing.  The testing procedure consists of
nucleic acid extraction and purification from the human specimen using authorized extraction
methods/instruments followed by real time RT-PCR, where the RNA is reverse transcribed into
cDNA and then amplified using the primer sets and detected using specific probes.  The real time
reverse transcriptase (RT)-PCR is performed on the FDA cleared Applied Biosystems 7500 Fast
Dx Real-Time PCR Instrument with SDS 1.4 software, or other authorized instruments or

The CDC 2019-nCoV Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel includes the following materials or other authorized materials:


3 No other criteria of issuance have been prescribed by regulation under Section 564(c)(4) of the Act. 


Page 3 - Dr. Redfield, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention



·     2019-nCoV_N1, 2019-nCoV_N2 and 2019-nCoV_N3 vials containing primers and

probes that target the nucleocapsid (N) gene and are designed for both universal

detection of SARS-like coronavirus as well as specific detection of the 2019-nCoV
·   RP vial containing the internal control primers and probes that target the Human
      RNase P gene

·   nCoVPC vial containing the 2019-nCoV positive control used in the assay


The CDC 2019-nCoV Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel also requires the use of additional authorized materials and authorized ancillary reagents that are not included with the test but are commonly used in clinical laboratories and are described in the authorized CDC 2019-nCoV Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel Instructions for Use.


The CDC 2019-nCoV Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel requires the following control

materials, or other authorized control materials; all controls listed below must generate expected results in order for a test to be considered valid, as outlined in the CDC 2019-nCoV Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel Instructions for Use:

·   Human Specimen Control (HSC):  A human cell culture preparation used as an

extraction control and positive control for the RNase P primer and probe set that is
      extracted and tested concurrently with each specimen extraction run.
 ·   Positive Control for 2019-nCoV (nCoVPC):  Run with each batch of specimens.

Monitors for failures of rRT-PCR reagents and reaction conditions.

·   No Template Control (NTC):  Nuclease-free water included in each run.  Monitors for
      reagent and system contamination.

·   RNase P (RP) control in clinical samples:  The RP primer and probe set is included in
      each run to test for human RNase P, which controls for specimen quality and

demonstrates that nucleic acid was generated by the extraction process.


The above described CDC 2019-nCoV Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel, when labeled
consistently with the labeling authorized by FDA, entitled “CDC 2019-Novel Coronavirus
(2019-nCoV) Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel Instructions for Use” (available at


authorizations), which may be revised by CDC in consultation with, and with concurrence of, the
Division of Microbiology Devices (DMD)/Office of Health Technology 7 Office of In Vitro Diagnostics and Radiological Health (OHT7-OIR)/Office of Product Evaluation and Quality (OPEQ)/Center for Devices and Radiological Health (CDRH), is authorized to be distributed to and used by authorized laboratories under this EUA, despite the fact that it does not meet certain requirements otherwise required by applicable federal law.


The above-described CDC 2019-nCoV Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel is authorized to be accompanied by the following information pertaining to the emergency use, which is required to be made available to healthcare providers and patients:


·   Fact Sheet for Healthcare Providers: CDC 2019-nCoV Real-Time RT-PCR
      Diagnostic Panel





克利夫頓路1600號,MS D-14亞特蘭大,喬治亞州30333

尊敬的博士:雷德菲爾德(Redfield):這封信是應您的要求而答複的,美國食品藥品管理局(FDA)為疾病控製與預防中心(CDC)頒發了緊急使用授權(EUA)2019-新型冠狀病毒(2019-nCoV) -TimeReverse Transcriptase(RT)-PCR診斷小組,用於對上呼吸道和下呼吸道標本(例如鼻咽或口咽拭子,痰,下呼吸道吸出物,支氣管肺泡灌洗液和鼻咽洗液/根據聯邦食品,藥品和化妝品法(該法)第564條(21 USC§360bbb-3),從符合CDC標準以進行2019-nCoV檢測的個體中收集的吸出物或鼻吸出物)。測試僅限於CDC指定的合格實驗室,並在美國根據美國1988年美國臨床實驗室改進修正案(CLIA)1988年認證。 §263a,以執行高複雜度測試。12020年2月4日,根據該法案第564(b)(1)(C)條,衛生與公共服務部(HHS)部長確定存在公共衛生根據該法令第564節的規定,HHS秘書隨後宣布存在這種情況,這種緊急情況可能會影響國家安全或居住在國外的美國公民的健康和安全,並涉及2019-nCoV。證明可以緊急使用體外診斷法檢測和/或診斷新型冠狀病毒(2019-nCoV)的行為要符合該法令第564(a)條頒發的任何授權條款。2得出的結論是,根據第564條第(A)款頒發該授權的標準c)符合《法案》,我授權個人緊急使用CDC 2019-nCoV實時RT-PCR診斷麵板(如本函件第二節所述) 1為便於參考,此信將提及“美國疾病預防控製中心指定的合格實驗室,並在美國經1988年美國臨床實驗室改進修正案(CLIA)認證,美國42 §263a,作為“授權實驗室”執行高複雜度測試”。2U.S。衛生與公共服務部,《公共衛生突發事件的確定》和``存在可以證明正當授權的情況的聲明'',依據《美國聯邦食品,藥品和化妝品法》(美國聯邦法典)第21條第564(b)節。 §360bbb-3。 2020年2月4日。

-疾病控製與預防中心的Redfield博士符合CDC的2019-nCoV檢測標準,以經授權實驗室推定2019-nCoV的檢測,但要遵守本授權的條款。我已經得出結論,在符合CDC 2019-nCoV測試標準的個人中緊急使用CDC 2019-nCoV實時RT-PCR診斷小組符合該法案第564(c)節中頒發授權的標準,因為我已經得出結論那:1。 2019-nCoV可能會對感染該病毒的人類造成嚴重或威脅生命的疾病或狀況,包括嚴重的呼吸道疾病; 2。根據FDA可獲得的全部科學證據,有理由相信CDC 2019-nCoV實時RT-PCR診斷小組可以有效診斷2019-nCoV感染,並且CDC 2019-當用於診斷2019-nCoV感染時,nCoV實時RT-PCR診斷麵板超過了此類產品的已知和潛在風險;和3。除了緊急使用CDC2019-nCoV實時RT-PCR診斷麵板來診斷2019-nCoV感染外,沒有足夠的,認可的和可用的替代方法3.II.根據該法令第564(d)(1)條,我得出的結論是,本授權的範圍僅限於授權實驗室使用授權的CDC 2019-nCoV實時RT-PCR DiagnosticPanel進行推定檢測2019-nCoVin符合CDC標準的2019-nCoV測試人員


CDC 2019-nCoV實時RT-PCR診斷試劑及方案

CDC 2019-nCoV實時RT-PCR診斷方案用於推定檢測上下呼吸道標本中的2019-nCoV RNA(例如鼻咽或口咽拭子,痰,下呼吸道抽吸物,支氣管肺泡灌洗液和鼻咽洗液/吸出物或鼻吸出物),以及其他符合CDC標準的2019-nCoV測試人員采集的樣品。測試程序包括使用授權提取從人類標本中提取和純化核酸方法/儀器,然後進行實時RT-PCR,其中RNA被反轉錄成cDNA,然後使用引物對進行擴增,並使用特異性探針進行檢測。實時逆轉錄酶(RT-PCR在FDA批準的Applied Biosystems 7500 Fast上進行帶有SDS 1.4軟件的Dx實時PCR儀器或其他授權儀器軟件。

CDC 2019-nCoV實時RT-PCR診斷方案包括以下材料或其他授權材料:

  • 2019-nCoV_N1、2019-nCoV_N2和2019-nCoV_N3小瓶包含靶向核衣殼(N)基因, SARS樣冠狀病毒的檢測以及2019-nCoV的特異性檢測引物和探針.
  • RP小瓶,其中包含針對人的內部對照引物和探針RNase P基因·
  • nCoVPC小瓶包含用於分析的2019-nCoV陽性對照

CDC 2019-nCoV實時RT-PCR診斷方案還需要使用其他未包含在測試中但經過授權的授權材料和授權輔助試劑常用於臨床實驗室,並在CDC 2019-nCoV授權中進行了描述實時RT-PCR診斷麵板使用說明。CDC 2019-nCoV實時RT-PCR診斷麵板需要以下控製材料或其他授權的控製材料;下麵列出的所有控件都必須產生預期的結果才能使測試被視為有效,如CDC 2019-nCoV實時概述中所述


  • 人體標本控製(HSC):用作細胞培養的人類細胞培養製劑RNase P引物和探針組的提取對照和陽性對照在每次樣品提取運行中同時進行提取和測試。
  • 2019-nCoV(nCoVPC)的陽性對照:對每批樣品進行分析。監視rRT-PCR試劑的失敗和反應條件。
  • 無模板對照(NTC):每次運行均包含無核酸酶的水。監控試劑和係統汙染。
  • 臨床樣品中的RNase P(RP)對照:RP引物和探針組包含在每次運行都要測試人RNase P,以控製樣品質量和證明核酸是通過提取過程生成的。

上麵標記的CDC 2019-nCoV實時RT-PCR診斷方案與FDA授權的標簽一致,標題為“ CDC 2019-Novel Coronavirus”(2019-nCoV)實時RT-PCR診斷方案使用說明”(可從以下網站獲得)https://www.fda.gov/medical-devices/emergency-situations-medical-devices/emergency-useauthorizations. 


微量 RNA 提取試劑盒及方法, 根據Huang C (Lancet. 2020 Jan 24) 方法改編

微量 RNA 提取試劑盒(另需購買本公司TRIZOL裂解試劑)

Catalog No. TR206-50 (50 次反應) 或TR206-200 (200 次反應)


試劑盒組成: 洗滌液 1, 第一次使用前按說明加指定量乙醇 (無水乙醇, 95-100%);RNA 洗滌液 2, 第一次使用前按說明加指定量乙醇; RNase-free H2O 室溫 6 ml; 1 號柱, 收集管(2ml)


1. 樣品來源:TRIZOL等類似試劑裂解的樣品。

2. 樣品範圍:≥17核苷酸。

3. RNA純度:高質量的RNA可應用於高通量測序等敏感的下遊實驗。

 4. RNA結合量:每個柱子可最多結合10μg的RNA。


以下離心力如無特殊說明均在10,000-16,000 x g範圍內離心1分鍾。

(I) 樣品裂解勻漿 此步驟主要參考TRIZOL等類似裂解試劑說明書的裂解液用量,以下給出我公司提供的可完美替換 TRIZOL的TRIcom試劑用量作為參考

1)全血樣品:直接取1體積的液體樣品,加入3 倍體積裂解液(推薦100μl全血加入300μl以內),充分振蕩並 且混勻。

2) 洗鼻液,漱口液離心棄上清,細胞沉澱加300μlTRIZOL裂解液.

( I I)樣品純化:

1. 加入等體積(95-100%)的無水乙醇到上一步TRIcom或TRIZOL裂解液中混勻。

 2. 將上述混合物放入套在收集管內的1號柱裏,離心1分鍾。去除濾出液。


 4. 添加400μl的RNA洗滌液1到1號柱子裏,離心1分鍾。去除濾出液。

 5. 添加700μl的RNA洗滌液2到1號柱子裏,離心2分鍾以免洗滌液殘留。

6. 取出1號柱,放入一個無RNA酶的離心管中,在吸附膜的中間部位加10-15μl RNase-free water(事先在 65-70℃ 水浴中加熱效果更好), 室溫放置2分鍾, 離心1分鍾洗脫RNA。

(北京天漠科技開發有限公司 Tel: +86-10-58235289 · Web: www. tianmobio.com)


二把刀的建議, -秋高氣爽92- 給 秋高氣爽92 發送悄悄話 (692 bytes) () 02/09/2020 postreply 09:13:14

應該說是合理的想法.1)已經在做,2) -楊別青- 給 楊別青 發送悄悄話 楊別青 的博客首頁 (154 bytes) () 02/09/2020 postreply 09:25:13

不太明白, -秋高氣爽92- 給 秋高氣爽92 發送悄悄話 (173 bytes) () 02/09/2020 postreply 09:33:21

會不會是破壁的試劑有問題? -秋高氣爽92- 給 秋高氣爽92 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 02/09/2020 postreply 09:36:36

我們有點互相理解偏了,變性破細胞後沒有問題,你說血清,我以為破細胞之前。 -楊別青- 給 楊別青 發送悄悄話 楊別青 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 02/09/2020 postreply 09:41:15

加大血的用量也是同樣的原理 -楊別青- 給 楊別青 發送悄悄話 楊別青 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 02/09/2020 postreply 09:47:25

怎麽想都覺得血清裏應該有足夠的病毒可以測到。 -秋高氣爽92- 給 秋高氣爽92 發送悄悄話 (585 bytes) () 02/09/2020 postreply 10:15:09

"先用免疫細胞specific Colum 濃縮一下血清,再做PT-PCR"可以試 -楊別青- 給 楊別青 發送悄悄話 楊別青 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 02/09/2020 postreply 10:37:42

看看底下虎嗅薔薇的貼,病毒直接攻擊淋巴係統,那麽血清裏的病毒應該是最多的。 -秋高氣爽92- 給 秋高氣爽92 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 02/09/2020 postreply 09:24:35

not ture, only a small percent (14%) of patient blood samples te -三絲- 給 三絲 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 02/09/2020 postreply 12:03:37

Not sure how sampling was done in China. -三絲- 給 三絲 發送悄悄話 (254 bytes) () 02/09/2020 postreply 12:20:19

棉簽現在隻是名字,材料已經變了。 -楊別青- 給 楊別青 發送悄悄話 楊別青 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 02/09/2020 postreply 14:14:33
