今年6月診斷出乳腺癌, 7月做了手術。結果 ER/PR 陰性, Her-2 陽性, Ki-67 33% high. 術後發現深層沒有割幹淨, 醫生說還要再做一次手術。 群裏有類似情況的姐妹嗎? 還需要再做一次手術嗎? 還是可以直接局部放療 ?
Final pathologic diagnosis:
Invasive poorly differentiated grade 3 ductal carcinoma, 8mm size, with additional foci of early microinvasive carcinoma and with margins of the lumpectomy negative for involvement by invasive carcinoma.
Extensive high grade intraductal carcinoma, estimated size of 5.6 x 2.5 cm, with focal extension to deep margin of the lumpectomy specimen.
先謝謝了 !