One of those is L-lysine. L-lysine is an essential amino acid that cannot be produced by the body. Lysine helps strengthen the immune system by adjusting body chemistry so it is less hospitable to foreign organisms and supports the body's acid/alkaline balance. Its most common application is related to the herpes virus. Herpes viruses are dependent on the amino acid arginine for replication. Lysine counter-balances arginine (found in nuts, seeds, and meats), making it harder for herpes and other viruses to replicate. Lysine has been shown to prevent outbreaks and reduce the duration and severity of individual herpes outbreaks and other viral infections.
L-Lysine 有非特異性免疫促進作用。。。對於皰疹病毒有效。。。
謝謝禦醫您的提醒, 我今中午忘了吃這個藥了。
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02/19/2019 postreply