
來源: Tiger666 2019-02-14 21:09:59 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (163721 bytes)


來源:  於 2019-02-13 21:49:41 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 12451 次 (177355 bytes)

科羅拉多州的一名73歲女子在醫生錯誤地摘除腎髒9個月後於周五去世。 兩個月前,手術誤診為癌症。

在她去世前,Linda Woolley告訴丹佛新聞台KDVR她在5月份接受了不必要的手術後,“生活完全改變了”,科羅拉多大學醫院的醫生在3月份告訴她,他們發現了癌症 根據病理報告她的兩個腎髒。 但她後來發現報告實際上顯示“沒有惡性證據”,結果“與良性過程一致”。

Woolley在手術前一直過著積極的生活,在空閑時間騎馬和遊泳。 但醫療混亂結束了所有這一切,導致祖母每周三次進行四小時的透析治療。

A 73-year-old woman in Colorado died on Friday, nine months after doctors wrongly removed her kidneys. The surgery followed a mistaken diagnosis of cancer two months prior.

Prior to her death, Linda Woolley told Denver news station KDVR that her “life was totally changed” after she underwent the needless surgery in May, which doctors at the University of Colorado Hospital ordered after telling her in March that they’d found cancer in both of her kidneys based on pathology reports. But she later discovered that the reports actually showed “no evidence of malignancy” from results “consistent with a benign process.”

Woolley had been leading an active life before the surgery, riding horses and swimming in her free time. But the medical mix-up put an end to all that, leading the grandmother to undergo four-hour dialysis treatments three times a week.

  • 7 days ago
    A family friend was diagnosed with liver cancer by his doctor and basically told to go home and get his affairs in order. He was devastated. We implored him to get a second opinion which he did a few weeks later. It turned out to be a form of hepatitis that was fully treatable. That was over a decade ago and he is still alive and well. Needless to say, he switched doctors.
  • Peridot
    10 hours ago
    I spent my entire career in the medical field and have witnessed many horror stories....a male friend died of lung cancer two weeks after being discharged with a clear chest film; a stout female friend had a mastectomy due to "cancer" which turned out to be benign. She was never told and later had the other breast removed because it's large size severely affected her posture and caused back pain; a thoracic surgeon "accidentally" remove a perfectly healthy lung, leaving the malignant lung untouched. Unfortunately, there are many more such cases throughout the country. Also, more people die from medical errors and hospital-acquired diseases than from gunfire.
  • Marc
    7 days ago
    Privacy privilege lies with the patient, not the doctor or hospital. If the patient waives the privacy rights then the doctor or hospital cannot claim privilege. They can refuse to release details if they are being sued. They have not been sued (yet) so they have no right to withhold information. This is criminal negligence causing death. Doctors are held to a higher standard when they are functioning within their role as doctors because they have expert training that make them more knowledgeable and proficient in their field than the average person. They have the skills to "know better" and if they fail to exercise proper procedures to ascertain (with a reasonable degree of accuracy) that something so serious as removing both kidneys is indeed necessary, then they have failed to meet the standard of treatment that the patient deserves. At the very least, the test to determine if cancer was present should have been performed twice before removing BOTH kidneys! This is so outrageous and heartbreaking for her family and the suffering she had to needlessly endure.
  • MiddleClassIndy
    10 hours ago
    And that is why you should always get a second or even a third opinion when something major like this is being recommended. Doctors are human. They make mistakes. So do people in labs. I was told I needed open heart surgery for a value issue. Second opinion was I had a mild, non-threatening heart murmur. Did not have the surgery. That was 20 years ago.
  • boogiewoman
    10 hours ago
    Everyone needs to be their own advocate. Get second and third opinions, before making any decision. My heart goes out to Linda, her family and friends. This story is so sad. These medical folks need to have their license revoked.
  • hanina
    10 hours ago
    I was told I had metastised bone cancer and to make my peace with it. Looked the Dr in the face and told her They made a mistake. Got dressed and walked out of the hospital. Turns out I had thyroid cancer but I'm still here to talk about it.
  • The
    7 days ago
    My late father had a similar disaster of an experience here in Canada. He went to a small town Doctor who did NO bloodwork after diagnosing him with hypertension. (high blood pressure) Had bloodwork been done, the fact that his kidneys were failing would have been immediately discovered........and he could have been put on a special diet and received medication. As a result of the misdiagnosis, his kidneys completely failed a couple of years later, and he spent his final years on dialysis - which robbed him of his lifestyle. I told him to get a referral to a specialist and get a second opinion when he got the diagnosis of high blood pressure, but of course he did not take my advice.........big mistake.
  • Valerie
    7 days ago
    A similar thing happened to me. I went into surgery to have 2 parts of my lung removed because they said I had ( not maybe)cancer. The first thing I heard when I came to was that it wasn't cancer. They removed the "suspicious" pieces anyways. I have had severe problems breathing ever since. I will never understand why they removed non-cancerous parts of my lung.
    8 days ago
    I met a woman who was on waiting list for double kidney transplant only to find out that she had allergy to wheat gluten. She work at hospital and was friends with head internist. She was told to go to wholistic health provider for second opinion. The supposed best and bright can mess up.......
  • J Alphonse
    7 days ago
    Those medical staff responsible for the diagnoses and removal of her kidneys should have their licences cancelled, and not be allowed to practice in the USA. Their insurance must pay punitive damages to the family of the deceased $10M to $100M.
  • jewel
    11 hours ago
    this is terrifying. and it's one of the reasons i reserve some skepticism when dealing with diagnoses that require life altering treatments.
  • Eugene
    10 hours ago
    About 10 years ago during my annual kidney scan for kidney cancer, for which I'm a survivor, the scan went too high and they said I had "something" unusual in the lower lobe of my left lung. After numerous scans and tests to include two biopsies, the VA surgeon called me in and said that they were going to remove my left lung in a week...when I said "The biopsy came back positive?" She said "NO, we'll do a biopsy when we remove your lung!" Of course after a shouting match I left the VA hospital and went to UCLA's Jonssen Cancer Center....there tests confirmed I didn't have lung cancer but scar tissue from multiple bouts of pneumonia and wear and tear from 70 years on this Planet! If YOU value your Health "Stay away from the VA, giving Veterans a second chance to die for their country since 1930!"
  • Ilena S.
    8 days ago
    Except for her age (73 years old) had she been much younger I'd start to suspect this might have been an illegal organ sale, I have known a few people who had cancer and the doctors did tons of tests and such before any kind of surgery was ordered. Maybe the state should investigate these doctors and see if this has happened with them before...
  • Kohone
    11 hours ago
    sorry and condolence to all family member and loves ones., It remind me of how close the hospital almost took my life too. It was an orthopedic surgery. 27 years later, I am still suffering, and still praying to God that I am ready to leave this misery, but only by the hand of God.
  • DM
    10 hours ago
    My Aunt kept her body in amazing condition and at 88, she didn’t feel right so the doctors ran tests on her and found cancer in one of her Kidney’s and they decided rather than cutting into that Kidney, they would remove it and when they did, they found the same cancer in the other Kidney !

    From start to finish she didn’t make it a year ?

    I’m not a Doctor but at 88 years old and in terrific shape, you’ve already won the game, why ruin the rest of your life with trying to prevent the impossible ?

    She could have done nothing and at least lived a couple of more years or maybe even 5 more years !

    Her Doctors should have known better at 88 you only need to get the good drugs and see how long you can cheat Death !
  • Gizzy
    10 hours ago
    Hubby had 1/3 of his lung removed after a cancer diagnosis. Turned out he had a rare form of pneumonia that mimics cancer. Lawsuit HA! They told us that partial removal was part of the "cure" for his disease. Now my hubby uses oxygen at night and a nebulizer 4 times a day. I still think the results of that surgery actually made him worse.
  • Anonymous
    10 hours ago
    "Always, Always get a second opinion" ------------- And do it in a different city. Doctors are slow to contradict other doctors they know. Our family learned that the hard way.
  • Hughson
    8 days ago
    People are willing to get second and third quotes for their car insurance but when diagnosed with a life threatening illness they accept the first one they receive. Always get another opinion!
  • Bob
    7 days ago
    "Woman dies months after doctors reportedly removed both of her healthy kidneys by mistake" Surgeon dies months after wife's widowed husband reportedly removed both of his healthy kidneys on purpose.
  • Jeff
    10 hours ago
    You are missing an important point... The Docs and the hospital made money, who cares about some 73 year woman. My post is meant to be sarcastic but unfortunately I know that sometimes the thought of additional monetary gain does supersede a patient receiving the treatment that would benefit them the most. My father, before he passed away many years ago, was diabetic. Due to poor circulation to his legs it was determined by a doctor that one leg needed to be amputated. My brother took him to another doctor who said he could insert a stint, just like used in heart cases, and he would be fine for yours to come. The procedure was done, it was not life altering as the amputation would have been, the recovery time was basically a couple of days and he died without having the leg amputated.


朋友的媽媽也是被切掉了肺的大部分。手術前並沒告訴她要切。她也明確不想靠氧氣瓶。結果打開後把肺切掉。她自此完全失去的生的勇氣 -julie116- 給 julie116 發送悄悄話 julie116 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 02/14/2019 postreply 22:00:25

遠離手術,即使做穿刺檢查很多也沒必要。。。 -alpha123- 給 alpha123 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 02/15/2019 postreply 14:36:48



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