因為提前做了一些研究,為孩子是否接種HPV疫苗作準備,同時看到文學城上的博客“WHO: 一個全球健康問題 - 宮頸癌”,作者: 白水之魚,決定有必要探討家長是否同意孩子接種HPV疫苗。 My son went in for his one year vaccines and has never been the same since. Suffers from seizures, ADHD, ODD, ASD. Luckily I was able to work with a homeopath to reverse his autism to an extent. CDC states adverse reaction to MMR, jerking seizures. Well fits the bill sadly enough. There IS NO COINCIDENCE. There are too many of us out there that this is happening to. 2) Becky Goins Heather • 6 years ago My daughter has been sick for 2 3) Mary Becky Goins• 4 years ago Yes my daughter took both this 4) Rock Lauren Sweeney• 4 years ago Lauren- our 14 year old has never Rock• 4 years ago Totally regret getting this shot. 5) Eva R. Murphy Rock• 4 years ago You may as well be telling the 6) Alicia Eva R. Murphy• 3 years ago My daughter is having this issue 7) Windchyme Alicia• 3 years ago OMG Alicia...That is MY daughter 8) Kim Lupo Eckhardt Windchyme• a year ago OMG....That is my daughter 9) Juliaex Lauren Sweeney• 4 years ago I have epilepsy from the shot. I 10) LeeAnn Shedd-Garza Lauren Sweeney• a year ago Both my kids took the shot and the 11) Tara sonja• 4 years ago Smartest decision you could make 12) Lynette• 5 years ago My daughter has Lupus an 13) gray Lynette• 5 years ago I have been having lupus like symptoms and really bad migraines that have 14) McKenna• 3 years ago I was given the shot in 2008 when I was 11. In 2010 I was diagnosed with 15) Missouri_girl• 4 years ago Is it too late to sue the makers 16) UGH• 4 years ago Im so sorry for your daughters!!! My daughter was given Gardisil at age 17) Crystal• 5 years ago My daughter received two hpv shots at 12, somehow the third shot was 18) lorraine Crystal• 4 years ago this is exactly what happened to my daughter after the first shot. four 19) Christine Lewis• 2 days ago my daughter has terrible seizures, memory loss & headaches, weakness 20) Kathy Miller Kunysz• 3 months ago Both of my daughters had the vaccine. This last shot was given to my 14 yr 21) T. Monique Smith• 10 months ago It sucks that I am late to find this post. My daughter received the 3 22) Andrea Diane Steadman• a year ago My son had these shots he now has multiple seizures in a day. 23) Marilyn Petty• a year ago My granddaughter got the shots when she was 11 or 12. She just turned 22. 24) AreWe ThereYet• 3 years ago My son, who was 18 at the time, became ill following his Gardasil 25) Barbara Carr• 4 years ago I thought I was being conservative by waiting until my daughter was 15 to 26) Pam Torres • 4 years ago PLEASE IF ANYONE HAS A CHILD WHO HAS HAD THE In November 2009 she was rushed to the ER and wrongly October 2012 same pain as the first visit returned, I October 2013 same pain returned September 2014 we had our regularly scheduled bimonthly November 2014 we are currently back in the hospital and Doctors are saying they are trying to avoid total hysterectomy at this time but
在美國,宮頸癌的發病率是7.9/100,000,大約5% 的HPV感染與宮頸癌有關。同時,由於宮頸塗片篩查的普及,早期診斷和治療使宮頸癌的死亡率有所下降,2015年age-adjusted 宮頸癌死亡率為2.3/100,100。
Merck公司於2006年上市HPV四價疫苗Gardasil, 可抗HPV 6, 11, 16, 18 (可防70%的宮頸癌)。2014年Gardasil9上市,增加五種HPV型: HPV 31, 33, 45, 52, and 58 (見關於HPV疫苗,GoGym , http://bbs.wenxuecity.com/kghy/2955156.html)。雖然默克聲稱擴大接種人群譜,無明顯不良作用,然而,接種Gardasil後的副作用報道不斷湧現,目前已知的副作用包括:關節肌肉痛、惡心、疲勞、衰弱、頭痛、不孕不育、發熱、麻痹、視力損害、注射部位紅腫疼痛、死亡。目前,日本、法國和印度禁止Gardasil的接種。目前,美國、日本、法國對Gardasil的訴訟正在進行中。
避免HPV的人群:對疫苗成分過敏者、已經接種者、對酵母或乳膠過敏、診斷為GBS (Guillain-Barre Syndrome)者、孕婦、有低熱、咳嗽、流涕等感冒症狀者、有肝腎、呼吸或心髒問題者、中重度疾病患者。
CDC頒布的安全警告中提到了HPV疫苗導致婦女生殖問題,尤其是卵巢早衰(premature ovarian failure),與下列因素有關: 遺傳、吸煙、腫瘤治療、暴露於環境中的化學物質、病毒感染、自身免疫異常。
HPV疫苗與POTS:接種疫苗後的男性和女性出現自主神經失調綜合征(postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome,POTS),表現為感覺疲勞、頭暈並自覺心跳加速。其發生原因不明,認為與一些風險因子相關, 包括神經係統異常、慢性疲勞綜合征、身體物理因素失常、近期病毒感染等。HPV疫苗開始對公眾開發後的第一個十年中,POTS在美國有13例報道。
疫苗引起的死亡:有些個體接種疫苗後很快死亡。HPV疫苗上市後的第一個十年中,有報告117例個體接種Gardasil疫苗後死亡。沒有任何後續研究(follow-up) 判定這些個體的死因(https://www.druglawcenter.org/hpv-vaccine/)。
https://kellybroganmd.com/new-gardasil/ 上麵有些留言,例如:
1)Dee August 2, 2016 at 2:49 PM
My Son was diagnosed with POTS after receiving the Gardasil vaccine…he developed symptoms the day after his second shot! We were lucky. It only took us about six weeks to get get into the Mayo Clinic where we did, at the final hour, get a POTS diagnosis. It is almost one year later and he still struggles with symptoms each day. We were told that he should be able to manage his symptoms by simply drinking a Gatorade or two each day and exercising daily. He is 19 and had to defer enrolling in college for a semester due to his condition. He was able to attend college during the second semester and will return this fall. Brain fog, fatigue, dizziness, and stomach issues are his main complaints and we are just now beginning treatment with a POTS specialist. I’m so angry with myself for being sucked into the hype and allowing my son to get this vaccine. He says he has forgotten what it is like to feel good because he feels lousy all the time.
2) cathy friedman May 6, 2018 at 10:37 AM
My daughter fainted four days after receiving the guardasil 9 shot. She had to withdraw from graduate school and has recently been diagnosed with POTs by Dr. Brent Goodman at the Mayo Clinic in Scottsdale. I would love to talk to you about what happened to our daughters. There are so many out there who have been injured. We need to do something. There must be a way to file a class action law suit against Merck. They know something and I am determined to hold them accountable. This has been a nightmare. Please email me at cfriedma@gmail.com. Thanks!
3) Machae July 26, 2017 at 11:25 PM
Hi, I want to thank ypu for giving the real facts behimd the terrible shot. I am almost certain I aquired POTS with RAS(seizures) through the shot. I wish people would listen.
4) Emily March 11, 2018 at 8:36 PM
Thank you for affirming what I know now about this vaccine. I made the mistake of having my daughter have this vaccine although it was never presented to me as an option. Ever since, the pain and depression and change in personality has haunted us. I tell every parent I know to make sure they speak out and not allow their child to have this vaccine. I wish daily I could turn back time and wonder what my, now teen’s, life would be like. I wish there was an antedote but every doctor here looks at me like I’m crazy when I mention it. Thanks again.
5)Sondra Sierko January 17, 2019 at 7:57 AM
My daughter has had a continuing period for over a year since getting this vaccine. I felt guilted into getting it for her at age 15 and am angry that I went against my better judgment and complied. She is miserable and more depressed. When I went back to the dr they refused to believe it had anything to do with the HPV vaccine and that it was pure coincidence that it happened at that time. No show of concern or compassion, they couldn’t understand why I was so upset, then they offered to put her on birth control! What?!
https://thevaccinereaction.org/2018/10/the-hpv-vaccine-on-trial-seeking-justice-for-a-generation-betrayed/ The HPV Vaccine on Trial: Seeking Justice for a Generation Betrayed 上麵的留言:
1) Frustrated Momma October 18, 2018 at 12:38 pm This makes me so angry. I had this vaccine when I was 19-20ish and we struggled so much trying to have children. We were told they couldn’t find any reason as to why we were having issues but something doesn’t add up. 4 miscarriages and having to use IUI to get pregnant. Thankfully we were blessed with 2 beautiful girls but I really think that if I had never got this vaccine we wouldn’t have struggled as much as we have. I am praying for a 3rd baby with no help from doctors but 2 years later nothing has happened yet.
2) RV October 18, 2018 at 10:03 pm When I took my daughter for her last High School checkup and physical for Sports and the required physical for school, the nurse try to Guilt Trip me into giving this vaccination to my daughter. I am an RN and I don’t believe in vaccines. I did have my children vaccinated when they were younger before I became educated with all the issues with them and wish I never had. My son was a perfectly normal child until he got his 2 year shots and then he started having Tendencies of being on the autism spectrum as well as ADD issues and ODD issues. At 29 he continues to struggle. I refused to give her the HPV vaccines and I plan on passing this information off to her so that she does not give these vaccines to my granddaughter and I hope that the mother of my other granddaughter does not ever give her this vaccination either.
3) Cynthia January 11, 2019 at 2:52 am Proof is in the pudding, Vaccine Injury Court paying out billions but if you want the science see Miller’s Review of Critical Vaccine Studies. Has 400 Important Scientific docs summarized and easy to understand.
U.S. court pays $6 million to Gardasil victims By Peter Lind - - Wednesday, December 31, 2014
The facts appear to contradict the FDA’s safety statements. The adverse reaction reports detail 26 new deaths reported between September 1, 2010 and September 15, 2011 as well as incidents of seizures, paralysis, blindness, pancreatitis, speech problems, short term memory loss and Guillain-Barré Syndrome. The documents come from the FDA’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) which is used by the FDA to monitor the safety of vaccines.
Bandomum, Mother, 37, claims controversial HPV vaccine has confined her daughter to a wheelchair and life as a recluse:
1) Newport Pagnell, United Kingdom, 10 months ago My daughter also became ill with similar symptoms after having this vaccine. Eventually being diagnosed with ME and POTS. When I asked her M.E. Consultant at London¿s gt Ormond st hospital, did he think the vaccine was the cause of her conditions, his reply was ¿let¿s just say, I¿m treating a lot more girls since it was introduced¿. That to me was proof enough.
2)Fife64, Glasgow, United Kingdom, 10 months ago My daughter was very healthy and extremely active before receiving this vaccine 3 years ago. She has had 3 years of incredible pain, had to give up the sports that she loves and has not been able to lead a normal teenage life. She's also had a lot of time off school because of pain and illness caused by the vaccine, whereas before her attendance was almost 100%. I agreed to my daughter having the vaccine because I was led to believe it would protect her against cervical cancer, not yet proven, but if I had been given full information on side effects I would not have given consent. Parents should be given the vaccine insert, showing full risks vs benefits, when being asked to consent to any vaccine. I also have a letter from a top paediatrician confirming that her issues are likely to have arisen due to the vaccine. If you check the MHRA and VAERS monitoring websites, this vaccine has had by far the most adverse reactions.
3)joyceee333, Fife, United Kingdom, 10 months ago My daughter is HPV Vaccine damaged. Over 10 years we have had to hit our heads on a brick wall concerning this. No-one believes us or will even entertain that it could be possible. I had a happy, healthy young girl before she received this vaccine. She has now been diagnosed with M.E. She lives in pain every day, has missed all of her secondary schooling and spends most of her days in bed. For those of you that say that benefits outweight the risks, please dont. I have to watch my daughter in pain everyday and their is nothing i can do about it and no one will help. The UK Association for HPV Vaccine injured daughters is on facebook, take a look. Their are thousands of girls all over the world with the same systems. Over 500 here in the UK. Do not tell me this is a coincidence. The full patient information leaflet should be given to parents not just the shortened version.
4)SteveH, Wigton, United Kingdom, 10 months ago The UK Association of HPV Vaccine Injured Daughters (AHVID) has 528 members all of whom believe their daughter has been seriously injured by this vaccine. A questionnaire completed by 94 families has revealed that 18 girls had reactions within 24 hours of vaccination, some within minutes or a few hours. Some were taken to hospital immediately, others had multiple adverse reactions with each dose because health professionals insisted the vaccine was 'safe and effective'. 27 girls had serious adverse reactions within 1 week of vaccination, others had almost identical symptoms within a few weeks.
5)SteveH, Wigton, United Kingdom, 10 months ago If you go on the WHO global database of adverse drug reactions you find 305,014 ADR's in 81,263 reports including 445 deaths (including 23 sudden death), 1,052 neoplasms (including 168 cervical cancers and 25 carcinoma in situ), 460 cases of POTS and 144 cases of CRPS. They also acknowledge that only c.10% get reported. This vaccine is one of a new family of vaccines which are genetically engineered and then need high levels of aluminium adjuvant which is a well known neurotoxin. Dr Sin Hang Lee conducting extensive research, and found that in 100% of lab samples tested, fragments of HPV-11, HPV-16, and HPV-18 L1 DNA firmly attached to Merck¿s proprietary aluminum adjuvant. Merck deny that the vaccine contains DNA but it has been independently confirmed by Laurent Bélec at a laboratory in France.
6)karen, cranbrook, United Kingdom, 10 months ago Rather bizarrely my daughter has had the vaccine and is perfectly ok, yet my son who hasn't had the disease suffers from chronic fatigue (it has been diagnosed by a specialist).
https://www.classaction.org/gardasil Gardasil Side Effects May Include Paralysis, Death: As of Feb. 14, 2011, the CDC has reported that there have been 51 reports of deaths among females who received the HPV vaccine. A total of 32 of these death reports have been confirmed, meaning that a doctor has reviewed the report and any associated records. There have been two reports of deaths among males who were injected with Gardasil. The CDC maintains, however, that there was no unusual pattern or clustering to the deaths which would suggest that they were caused by the HPV vaccine.
1) Heather • 7 years ago My daughter is one of the stats!
She is paralyzed from waist down from the shot!
years after receiving the Gardasil vaccine. Her life will never be the same.
There are so many problems and issues from this vaccine and it's affecting so
many kids. God be with us all.
vaccine and the MMR too and she was told at 3 in August of 2007 she has
Epilepsy. When I was two years old I was told that I had Epilepsy too after
doing some research that is why both my daughter were told it was from the shot.
I out grow my and my daughter still has it at 11 years old. Becky will be
praying for your daughter and yours too Heather.
been sick a day in her life, until Gardasil. We heard of some negative side
effects before she got the shot, and since she WAS so healthy, we didn't think
Gardasil would effect her. The side effects are severe- complete personality
change, her grades plummeted, weight-lost, missing days of school at a time,
nausea, oily face skin/acne, loss of memory, serious depression.
Our 14-year-old daughter got extremely sick off Gardasil. Lost weight, extreme
mood swings, acne, stomach pain, serious depression, lack of appetite, nausea,
memory loss, and on an on. She was perfectly healthy with no problems until she
got guardasil. The makers and government are LYING about this drug. No doubt
there will be a class action lawsuit against Gardasil in the future. There are
thousands and thousands of victims out there that are not being heard, because
there is no class action lawsuit yet
story of my 13 yr old who got vaccinated at school (against my wishes) She is
suffering from stomach pain, vomiting, weight loss, dizziness fatique skin
crawling feeling, missed period (never missed one before) ringing in the ears,
ashen color, shortness of breath, and more.
now. Migraines so bad she can barely function we have done all the tests and
they can't find any clots. Vomiting has gotten worse, crawling skin they are
saying an allergic reaction but not getting better and vision issue they say
has to do with migraine.
EXACTLY...started about 8 weeks after her last HPV Vacc and hasn't stopped
since. And my daughter was healthy as a horse and normal her whole life and up
to that point. They can't find anything on my daughter either.
EXACTLY....my daughter was active, healthy and a athlete before the gardisil
vaccine. She now vomits daily, she has a whole array of ailments of which have
been going on for years. Many of the same ailments these other girls. They
can't find anything on my daughter either.
can help you
mmr shot and we have been living in hell ever since.
in my opinion. After my daughter started her cycles we decided given our family
history it would be smart to have her seen yearly. On her first visit the
doctor said given her increased risk due to family history of cervical cancer
she recommended the vaccine, I agreed. Although it sounds awful I am grateful
my daughter got sick after the first injection and we decided it made her feel
so sick not to complete the series it could have been much worse, however we
were also one injection too late. She has been sick for 2 years now--was
perfectly healthy playing sports and all then one day nothing..she just could
not do it anymore..she has chronic migraines, abdominal and back spasms, loss
of feeling and circulation , swelling episodes , breathing episodes and the
list goes on. She has been tested by specialist after specialist for any immune
disorders ...and nothing... so in my opinion tell them all to kiss your
***..lol job well done. She is no more at risk than before they came out with
this "miracle vaccine".. the miracle is my daughter is still alive
after receiving it, and for that I am grateful but it has changed her quality
of life.
autoimmune disease, Raynaud's and a host of other side effects due to Gardasil.
only happened after I received the injections. Still suffering with them to
this day and I received my vaccines in 2006.
bone cancer but it was in my small intestine. Since then I have had bone pain
in my large bones, flu like symptoms, always tired, depressed, and so much
more. It effects my everyday life. We have figured out that I never really had
cancer. It was a tumor from the shot and they didn't know what to call it so
the Drs called it cancer. I had to endure a year and half of chemo because they
didn't know what it was. I am now being tested for Lyme's diease. Justice needs
to be done about this. It's not fair. It's suppose to prevent things and its
distorting people's lives.
of this awful vaccine? I tested positive for HPV 3 months after the last (of 3)
shots and then it progressed to me having LEEP surgery after that to remove
pre-cancerous cells on my cervix. Ive also dealt with 5years of severe
constipation, went threw a colonoscopy, endoscopy and im only 24! I never had
insurance, had to save up and pay all these bills off!
12, all 3 doses. She was one of the lucky ones who didnt suffer the terrible
side effects but I will say, 5-6 years after her last dose, she had an abnormal
pap and ended up having a leap procedure due to cervical dysplasia, which the
shot was supposed to protect against. Thank God we caught it before it became
full fledged cancer.
missed. At her 14 year well child visit, we were asked several times about the
third shot. Without objections I agreed to allow them to administer it. Without
fear because she had received two already. This was the only vaccine given at
this visit. Terror began next day, as she complained of a headache and
stomachache. Five days later my perfectly healthy child was unconscious and
foaming at the mouth, shaking, unresponsive in my living room. The nightmare is
still unfolding. In the past month she has been hospitalized 3 times,
transported by ambulance 3 times, and life flighted once by hellicopter. The
doctors of course have no answers and it could not have been the vaccine,
obviously she must be suffering from stress. The seizures have been labeled as
"non-epileptic events" and the most recent diagnosis has been
"spells" and now down graded even more to "stress". She
currently complains of constant headache, stomach issues, chronic constipation,
dizziness, and of course is scared of the traumatic " episodes" that
she never remembers.
and a half years on she is still suffering with chronic migraines, chronic
stomach pains, dizziness, and passes out without no warnings she has been
hospitalized numerous times and had every test under the sun. everything is
normal accept my daughter. she is now nearly fifteen and couldn't even go to
homecoming because she was too afraid of passing out. I hate merck for this
awful vaccine. Crystal the only thing that helped my daughter was trying the
holistic approach. We eliminated a lot of foods and the most relief she found
after we took her off all the medications that doctors were prescribing for her
with no diagnosis to try!!! was acupuncture. it is only temporary but it really
helps and lets her go back to school and if she is really bad she sees her
acupuncturist more etc. if doctors cant label it, they just want to give you
drugs to see if they help.,,,,, well they don't help. I hope your daughter gets
better soon and all the other girls on this page and out there and for all you
that make unnecessary comments, I only hope you don't have a daughter that goes
through half of what my daughter has been through.
& loss of IQ-- not epilepsyy but the doctor first thought it was. -- is
there a class action lawsuit?
old November 2017 and the last shot to my 17 yr old December 2017. Fast forward
August 2018 my 14 yr old starts having seizures and then September 2018 my 17
yr old started having seizures. No we have not moved, no new carpet or
remodeling, no new diets, nothing new except we did get a dog in December of
2017. What are the chances that this vaccine is the cause??? The seizures
started 9 months later so could it still be the vaccine causing the seizures???
Looking for answers.
vaccines and after the last dose, she had severe hair loss. We thought it was
thyroid or something with auto immune disease but after getting blood work, Dr
concluded it wasn't that. Then the only thing we could think of was the time
frame from when hair loss first started and time of vaccination. My daughter
has become depressed and feels like she is not pretty. She entered high school
and she is not the same girl she was before. She went from donating hair every
few yrs to needing wigs herself. Something needs to be done!
She went to the Health Clinic and they found two different spots on her
cervical told her not to worry they would see her back in a year. Well I got
worried and looked up information on HVP didn't like anything I read so we took
her to another doctor. He checked her his self and ran some test. Guess what he
found. She has cervical cancer and he says it can't wait that it is at a very
serious stage and needs to be removed. Problem she is on Medicaid and they
don't want to cover this, but they covered the shots that was told that she
needed to protect herself from HVP. So now I am fixing to start an up hill
battle with Medicaid in order to get her the medical treatment she needs. Any
one that can help me with this one would be wonderful. I am not ready to lose
her. I have already lost my son. She is way to young to let die because of
government red tape. Wish me luck. I am so sorry to hear about everyone elses
problems with these shots. If I knew all this before, I never would have gotten
her those shots. They told me it was really needed and there should be no
problems. Catch phase there should be no problems.
vaccination. Weight loss, chronic pain in muscles and joints, low grade fevers
and rashes, muscle weakness. It has been just over a year since this all
began--he has to use a cane to get around now, he struggles to walk even the
shortest of distances, and his whole life has changed for the worse. We've been
to numerous doctors/specialists who can't figure out how to help him. I am at
such a loss as to what to do...does anyone have any suggestions? Has anyone
found anything to help counteract this? Considering that he's been in this
state for over a year now, I'm starting to lose hope that there's a way to
reverse the damage that's been done.
get the shots. We are still not sure if what has happened to my daughter is due
to the shots because she didn't have symptoms until about four months after
getting the shots. She got her last shot in January of 2015. She began having
personality changes, suffer from anxiety shorty there after and then last
summer she started having spots in her vision and anxiety attacks. On August
24th she woke with a horrendous migraine, severe neck pain, she was completely panicked.
It didn't go away for 10 months. We spent the entire school year going to
Psychiatrist, Neurologist, Hematologist, the list goes on and on. No answers.
She was put on antidepressants, pain medicines, migraine meds. She suffered
from severe migraine, all sorts of vision distortions, dizziness, light
headedness, weakness and severe fatigue. She also had severe neck pain and
swollen lymph nodes. She went from a super dynamo who did karate, speech and
debate, choir, piano lessons, voice lessons, acted in plays and ran miles just
for the fun of it to being incapable of doing anything. She can't even ride in
the car. It makes her sick. The only thing she could do was sit in her room,
half way do some of her studies and surf the internet. She is homeschooled. If
she had been in school she would have had to drop out. Just this month she has
started to show some improvement. She did pt for three months and now does
cranial message therapy once a week. Now she can at least have some pain free
days, but she still is a completely different person. She still for the most
part sits in her room and does her art. She has only been painfree for about
two weeks. Anyway, my question is do children have reactions months after
taking the shot?
My daughter received the gardasil shot in 2007/2008. I have two daughters that
started it together. I protested against it for awhile so my oldest daughter
did not receive it right away. When taking them both back for their third shot
was told second daughter (Kayla) had not received the second dosage, I told
them she had. Doctor said even if she had getting it again would not hurt. So
she had two doses of the shot they give in the middle, four shots total of the
diagnosed as appendicitis. Johns Hopkins said her appendix erupted and she
spent over a week on iv antibiotic. I knew they realized they made a mistake
because they told me that they would have to go in and remove the pieces of the
appendix 4-6 weeks after the antiboitics and when we returned they said the
body took care of it on its own. In January 2010 she has similar abdominal pain
and was rushed back to Johns Hopkins were we were told this time that it was
cysts on her ovaries and hydrosalpinx. She was sent home and we realized she
had not urinated in over 24 hours, (common bed wetter) I allowed her to sleep
when she did not wet the bed, we went back to the ER and they kept us several
days ran numerous tests and told us she was mentally keeping herself from
peeing because she associated urinating with pain. Sent home still no answers.
then took her to Franklin Square. They did an exploratory surgery where they
removed a healthy appendix.. (Go Figure?) and again stated there was
significant damage to her female reproductive system, they were unsure if she
would be able to have babies in the future. Her tubes were pretty damaged but
her uterus and ovaries were healthy. Treated with IV antibotics for several
weeks, sent home on a Pic IV, etc. This time they told me they were stumped
because all of her symptoms are common with STD's however she was a virgin, and
tested negative for every STD that causes these symptoms? They thought she may
have wiped back to front and possibly fecal matter wound up in the woman parts?
I then began to ask if other female virgins were having these symptoms that had
the Gardisil Shot, they didn't seem to thing this could be a problem. Even
after explaining and they verified it was in her pediatric record of her
getting the shot four times? (Go Figure?)
to Franklin Square, large pocket of puss in the abdominal wall, went in to
drain the puss. Could not see the source of infection. We spent weeks on
cocktails of antibiotics, she became septic and was in ICU for three days. GYN
Doctor wanted her to do an exploratory surgery when infection was gone to see
if they could find the source of the problem. She was a senior so I asked them
to wait until after she graduated since she had already missed so much of the
school year. We agreed to do a sonogram every two months until the surgery
happened to avoid this happening again.
sonogram showed no signs of problems
they can not find the source of infection. They tell us she has clusters of
cysts on the ovaries and fluid in the right fallopian tube (hydrosalpinx). If
you have ANY information you can share with me to share with these doctors to
help my daughter avoid this torturous reoccurring events PLEASE HELP US.
if this persists annually they will recommend for her health to have a complete
hysterectomy Kayla just turned 18 and is still a virgin.
https://sanevax.org/ 有VAERS報告,還有具體受害者的例子
HPV Vaccine VAERS Reports
Description 12/14/2018 TOTAL
Disabled 2,856
Deaths 458
Did Not Recover 12,199
Abnormal Pap Smear 667
Cervical Dysplasia 324
Cervical Cancer 148
Life-threatening 962
Emergency Room 15,401
Hospitalized 6,047
Extended Hosp. Stay 291
Serious 8,873
Total Adverse Events 60,714
已經暴露於HPV的年輕女性接種疫苗導致癌前病變的危險增加了45%,該發現很可怕,因為30%以上的孩子10歲前就接觸過HPV病毒。前麵留言中就有一例不到20歲、兩例分別為22和24歲女孩接種HPV疫苗後患宮頸癌或癌前病變。Cervical cancer tends to occur in midlife and is most frequently diagnosed in women between the ages of 35 and 44. It rarely develops in women younger than 20,來源於 Key Statistics for Cervical Cancer - American Cancer Society
2.3 % of the girls receiving the vaccine complained of symptoms of autoimmune disease within 7 months. Since cervical cancer kills only 1.5 Americans in every 100,000, he noted, “Merck’s own data show that the chances of getting an autoimmune disease from this vaccine are 1000 times the risk of dying from cervical cancer.”
Not only did a heartbreaking 50% of the subjects in both the study group and the spiked placebo group experience a serious adverse event within the seven months of the trial, death rates among girls in the study were double background rates. In fact, the rate for girls during the clinical trials (85/100,000) was 37 times the death rate from cervical cancer!
Finally, Merck’s own data showed that administering the Gardasil vaccine to girls who had previous exposure to HPV actually raised their risk of developing precancerous lesions (or worse) by almost 45%.
Kennedy closed his powerful presentation by chronicling the parade of corrupt conflicts that caused HHS officials to turn a blind eye to the rife fraud that characterized the clinical trials. Merck loaded the two FDA and CDC panels that approved Gardasil, with paid toadies. He showed that the pharmaceutical industry actually pays 45% of FDA’s annual budget and that NIH and its officials own part of the patents to the Gardasil vaccine and collect royalties on every vaccine sold. NIH collects tens of millions of dollars annually from Gardasil sales. Finally, 45% of CDC’s budget goes to promoting and purchasing vaccines. Merck exerts control over the CDC with millions of dollars in contributions to the CDC foundation, which allows funding for pet projects. This level of support gives Merck the power to also punish the CDC by withholding funding if displeased by the agency.
這裏是CDC的link: https://www.cdc.gov/vaccinesafety/vaccines/hpv/hpv-safety-faqs.html
From its licensure in June 2006 through December 2017, more than 80 million doses of Gardasil were distributed in the United States. During the same period, VAERS received 36,142 U.S. reports of adverse events following Gardasil vaccination. Overall, 93% were non-serious reports; 7% of reports have been classified as serious. Gardasil is no longer available in the United States.
這裏有有關Gardasil 副作用的病例報告和研究:https://medscienceresearch.com/gardasil/ 強烈推薦該網站,有鏈接可以查到相關的發表文章。
https://www.nvic.org/vaccines-and-diseases/hpv/vaccine-injury.aspx Can HPV Vaccine Cause Injury and Death?:
http://info.cmsri.org/the-driven-researcher-blog/are-aluminum-adjuvants-plus-gardasil-a-uniquely-damaging-neuroinflammatory-cocktail 關於鋁佐劑的副作用:小鼠實驗發現行為異常,其機製為“the antibodies raised against HPV following Gardasil vaccination, have not only the ability to bind to HPV antigens but also the neural proteins present in the host’s brain. This phenomenon, where cross-reactivity occurs and the vaccine-induced antibodies are able to bind not only the target foreign antigen (i.e., the HPV virus) but also host proteins, can be the result of molecular mimicry, where a foreign antigen shares a structural similarity with a particular self-antigen.”
https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs12026-016-8826-6 以色列研究人員發現Behavioral abnormalities in female mice following administration of aluminum adjuvants and the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine Gardasil. It appears that Gardasil via its Al adjuvant and HPV antigens has the ability to trigger neuroinflammation and autoimmune reactions, further leading to behavioral changes.
http://bbs.wenxuecity.com/health/edit/822865/?backPage=0&backSubid=health :Lucija Tomljenovic, PhD, poses this important question: “Is it ethical to put young women at risk of death or a disabling autoimmune disease at a pre-adolescent age for a vaccine that has not yet prevented a single case of cervical cancer, a disease that may develop 20-30 years after exposure to HPV, when the same can be prevented with regular Pap screening which carries no risks.”
https://file.scirp.org/Html/17-7300444_25840.htm 一位醫療實驗科學家在一名接種加德西疫苗後死亡的少女的血液中檢測到了 HPV DNA 片段,其在由同行評審的《生物科學與技術進展》(Advances in Bioscience and Biotechnology) 期刊中公布了病例報告。該名原本健康的女孩在接種第三劑(亦是最後一劑) HPV 疫苗六個月後於睡眠中死亡。完整屍檢沒有揭示任何死亡原因(引用https://chinese.mercola.com/hpv-%E7%96%AB%E8%8B%97-%E6%95%88%E5%8A%9B.aspx)。
關於HPV疫苗 來源: 咪嗚 http://bbs.wenxuecity.com/health/294973.html
絕對要看:HPV子宮頸癌疫苗首席研發員說出的真相 醫者意也 http://www.wenxuecity.com/blog/201603/41693/737545.html
最新研究:美國默克公司HPV疫苗關聯美國25-29歲年齡組婦女生育率下降 ——來來來,討論一下這個問題
薛成 https://bbs.wenxuecity.com/health/797772.html
根據上述依據,除了疫苗普遍的副作用之外,我最擔心的是inflammation 改變,導致一係列自身免疫反應,這種反應是終生且沒有辦法治療的。我自己決定拒絕給孩子接種HPV疫苗,歡迎大家積極討論。
質疑:1) 天花,肺結核,小兒麻痹,百白破,麻疹等致命性傳染病,想當初何等猖獗,現在卻難覓蹤影,如果不是人們廣泛接種疫苗,今天又會怎樣?HPV也是如此,不能因噎廢食吧。
關於宮頸癌,2015年美國宮頸癌發病率為7.9/100,000,僅有5% HPV感染進展為原位癌(一般感染大約10-30年後),由於pap smear篩查,其中的91%的原位癌在36個月內診治,70%的CIN一期和54%的CIN二期在12個月內診治。收益人群與不良反應之比與傳染病疫苗不可同日而語。HPV絕大多數人自愈,有的人甚至不知道已經患過病毒感染。90%的HPV感染在兩年內自愈,之後CIN三期中有少於50%進展為浸潤性宮頸癌。
並且,Merck本身的臨床實驗還發現,如果已經有過HPV感染,疫苗接種後患宮頸癌的風險比對照組增加45%。該發現很可怕,因為30%以上的孩子10歲前就接觸過HPV病毒。有人認為嚴重不良反應隻是極端個例,上麵有三個例子(classact網站)更為極端,20歲左右就得了宮頸癌(Cervical cancer tends to occur in midlife and is most frequently diagnosed in women between the ages of 35 and 44. It rarely develops in women younger than 20,來源於 Key Statistics for Cervical Cancer - American Cancer Society),而且都是打過HPV疫苗之後。
2) 這種質疑就是走偏鋒了,難道,FDA,WHO,都都無視這些結果?
回應:回顧一下Thiomersal(含汞)的故事吧。1930年引入疫苗製作,50、60、70年代出現區域性汞中毒後引起公眾注意,之後的研究發現重金屬包括汞對人體尤其神經係統有害。FDA和CDC在1999年的聲明中聲稱沒有找到確切的Thiomersal對人體有害的證據。但是,由於很多注射疫苗後的自閉症等患者提出訴訟,2001年夏天Thiomersal從疫苗中去除。2006年的訴訟結果使幾家大藥廠幾乎關門。 請注意該周期有多少年。難道在其中反對的人就是偏鋒嗎?
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02/08/2019 postreply
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02/08/2019 postreply
你做過Serogroup B meningococcal vaccine 研究嗎?安全嗎?
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02/08/2019 postreply
因為藥廠與FDA和CDC有COI (conflict of interest), 我加了一段律師陳詞的結論,提示藥廠付給上述ag
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02/08/2019 postreply
我家的打了。 不過其實我也覺得這個疫苗不打也沒關係。不打的風險也不比打了以後大多少。
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Head and neck cancer accounts for about 4% of all cancers in the
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我讓孩子們打了, 都因打得晚, 隻需一針。
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02/08/2019 postreply
+1 任何藥都有副作用,以毒攻毒。我對疫苗一竅不通,沒有一點研究,不把心思放這方麵。
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04/10/2019 postreply
Your "homework" is basically rumours and exaggerations. I feel s
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