寫得真好,托著腮幫子,在你家發呆,城裏人聽山裏人講山裏吃的故事。讀完後也去吃醋,有汙染的 (^o^)/~

回答: 食物和健康的故事千年守望2018-09-04 17:16:36

有條件能吃到沒有汙染的食物就要盡量吃沒汙染的,沒有條件就沒辦法了。從你的博文裏我學到了很多書本裏沒有的知識,這都是你實踐中獲得的。確實現在的很多食物,中藥,其原先一直具有的功能,因為汙染的關係已經失去了不少功效了。謝謝你之所以講述了這麽多,就是為了那些無法講述的部分 :)。你這次的照片拍得很清晰,很好,表揚一下 :))

你確實是一個“異類”,不過我也是有點異類的,那就是我對越是“異類”的人越感興趣,越好奇,越佩服 鬼臉 加油

為了感謝你辛辛苦苦地給大家科普,我分享一首兒歌【Fruit Salad】給你,是我兒子小時候常聽的,與吃有關的,也許你聽過

Fruit Salad, Yummy Yummy
Fruit Salad, Yummy Yummy
Fruit Salad, Yummy Yummy
Yummy Yummy
Yummy Yummy
Fruit Salad!
Let's make some fruit salad today (Uh huh uh)
It's fun to do it the healthy way (Uh huh uh)
Take all the fruit that you want to eat
It's gonna be a fruit salad treat!
Peel your bananas
The second step
Toss in some some grapes
The third step
Chop up some apples
Chop up some melons
And put them on your plate
Now we've made it, It's time to eat it (Uh huh uh)
It tastes so good that you just can't beat it (Uh huh uh)
Give everyone a plate and a spoon
We'll all be ating it very soon!
The first step
Eat up the banana
The second step
Eat up some grapes
The third step
Eat up some apples
Eat the melons
Now there's nothing on your plate
Now we've had our fruit salad today (Uh huh uh)
It's time to put the scraps away (Uh huh uh)
Wash the bowls and wash the spoon
Let's do it all again real soon!
Fruit salad, Yummy yummy
Fruit salad, Yummy yummy
Fruit salad, Yummy yummy
Yummy yummy yummy yummy
Fruit salad!
Fruit salad, Yummy yummy
Fruit salad, Yummy yummy
Fruit salad, Yummy yummy
Fruit salad, Yummy yummy
Fruit salad, Yummy yummy
Fruit salad, Yummy yummy
Fruit salad, Yummy yummy
Fruit salad, Yummy yummy





我也吃有汙染的,沒條件無汙染。與汙染共存比較輕鬆。 -alpha123- 給 alpha123 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 09/04/2018 postreply 18:49:50

你覺得那些無法講述的部分是什麽? 我咋沒看明白。 -alpha123- 給 alpha123 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 09/05/2018 postreply 09:23:06
