擺肚:“五年生存率係指某種腫瘤經過各種綜合治療後,生存五年以上的比例。” 關鍵詞“後”。貼主提到那位,一直在治療“中”

來源: fuz 2018-05-08 07:20:00 [] [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (5112 bytes)
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Please read this. 

Five-year relative survival rates include people in remission. Remission is the temporary or permanent absence of disease. The rates also include those still in treatment. Disease-free survival (DFS) statistics and progression-free survival (PFS) statistics are more specific survival statistics. Doctors often use them to evaluate cancer treatments.

DFS rates refer only to the percentage of people who are in complete remission after finishing treatment.

PFS rates describe the percentage of people who don’t have new tumor growth or cancer spread during or after treatment. The rates include those whose disease responded completely or partially to treatment. They also include those whose disease is stable. That means the cancer is still there but not growing or spreading.


The concept of “cure”

Doctors generally consider cancer cured after they treat the disease and it doesn’t return. The concept of “cure” is hard to apply to cancer. Sometimes undetected cancer cells can remain in the body after treatment. The cells can cause the cancer to return later. Doctors call this a recurrence or relapse. The medical community considers many cancers “cured” when doctors can’t detect cancer 5 years after diagnosis. However, recurrence after 5 years is still possible.






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