Bronchial washing is part of a procedure called a bronchoscopy, in which a physician looks into the lungs with a fiber-optic bronchoscope to check for irregularities and take tissue samples. The physician injects saline through the bronchoscope into the lung and then suctions it back out. By checking the wash return fluid, the doctor can diagnose bleeding, pneumonia, industrial pollutants, fungal infections and different kinds of lung cancer. Patients undergoing bronchial washing usually receive topical anesthesia with sedation. Most side effects of bronchial washing are mild and include coughing, sore throat and a sleepy feeling from being sedated.
Thanks> Bronchial wash,也要core biopsy for aforementioned cancer s
回答: Bronchial wash ,brush 是細胞學診斷如果支氣管鏡看到可疑部位也要進行core biopsy穿刺是組織學診斷
由 lucy2008liu
於 2018-01-23 21:51:15