請教: 卵巢囊腫

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47歲, 查出左側卵巢囊腫兩年多了。例假正常,不痛經,會有點腰疼。兩年來囊腫的大小幾乎沒變,平時也不疼,排卵期時(感覺跟排卵有關)有些痛,鈍痛,或針紮似的。自己能摸到左下腹有個疙瘩。醫生說跟蹤了兩年,沒消失,建議手術。不過還是同意了再過二個月照次B超看看。也抽血驗卵巢癌風險,還沒出結果。醫生說卵巢囊腫不會隨著絕經變小, 反而要擔心癌變,手術拿掉最好,連卵巢,輸卵管一起拿掉。我很矛盾。想聽聽建議。謝謝大家。

2017/07: no result to me but Dr. said the cyst is about the same size, no grow.

2016/10: 5.2x3.5x3.7 cm paraovarian cyst, there is no free fluid in the cul-de-sac

2016/06: 4.6x3.0x4.1 cm simple left ovarian cyst. No complex adnexal masses are seen. There is no free fluid in the cul-de-sac

2015/06: 5.0x3.3x3.3 cm simply left ovrian cyst. No complex adnexal masses are seen. There is no fre fluid in the cul-de-sac.
