幫朋友問: 請幫助分析胰腺囊腫 2.2X2.0X3.8 cm
MRI DIAGNOSIS: Within the uncinate process of the pancreas,along the medical margin, is a microcyctic adenoma. No pancreatic or biliary ductal dilatation.No pncreatic mass.No peripancreatic adenopathy or adenopathy in the anterior or posterior retroperitoneal compartments
this lesion could be followed by ultrasound at six months interverals over a two years time period to ensure stability of what is considered a benign process.The different diagnosis includes a congenital cystic remnant or a complicated pseudocyst.There is no evidence of peripancreatic adenopathy,infiltration or edema.No MR finding associated with acute or chronic pancreatits.
他須要做EUS 穿刺嗎? 有風險嗎?