試試看這個: Weleda Calendula Body Cream 瑞士/德國的草藥膏,

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回答: 求助:幼兒濕疹西藥 vs中藥?小猴乖乖2017-02-15 17:19:53

我們家的萬精油,兒子叫它“黃油油”,用了16年了, 出門一定帶它。 很多次出門時遇到其他孩子有皮膚問題, 我們給他們這個, 80%的時候是有用的。注意要買baby cream,不要買diaper rash cream,這個裏麵成分不對。Calendula baby cream是他們最原始的,16年前隻有一種, 現在marketing延伸出很多,搞得人眼花繚亂。



Medicinal use

Ancient cultures recognized and used the healing properties of calendula. In some of the earliest medical writings, calendula was recommended for treating ailments of the digestive tract. It was used to detoxify the liver and gall bladder. The flowers were applied to cuts and wounds to stop bleeding, prevent infection and speed healing. Calendula was also used for various women's ailments, and to treat a number of skin conditions. During the American Civil War, calendula flowers were used on the battlefields in open wounds as antihemorrhagic and antiseptic, and they were used in dressing wounds to promote healing. Calendula also was used in this way during World War I. Calendula has been historically significant in medicine in many cultures, and it is still important in alternative medicine today


