爸爸回家第一天,晚上 沒有胡話, 沒有走動

等嵌插移位了再手術, what is the bad consequences for waiting? I thought we should do the surgery as soon as possible. 

我們有丁字,綁腳的東西, 可他不要用. he has problem to urine, due to another problem. He has to get up multiple times at night. Also due to Parkinson, he has 便秘。 Doctor said he has to lay down in bed for 3 month without moving, do everything on bed, to hope the bone will heal. Seems impossible for him. He does not like to lay down in bed. He insists to sit on wheel chair and go outside. Yesterday, he sits in the wheelchair under the sun。We worried 移位 will happen,the chance bone will heal by itself is very low. 

醫生對他的concern是after surgery, he will get 狂妄型老年癡呆。 回家後, 停藥, at night, 他很安靜。 we will watch him closely. 

他是一個很聽醫生話的人, he follows whatever doctor says. He wants to live longer. My sisters and I have no doult he will follow instructions when he is clear. My sister's original concern is his bad behaviour at hospital, what if he does something when he is not clear at night. Now such concern is gone, seems his bad behaviou is due to incident and the change in environment, and the medicine he is taking for Parkinson. But what if the surgery makes him unclear at night? what is the chance?

