Hospital worried about his 老年癡呆。the hospital evaluated my dad ag

Hospital said one of the medicine he takes for parkinson (Amantadine) is making him saying nonsense. They concluded my dad is OK for surgery. They decided to perform surgery after new year.

But my family is hesitated. They think my dad does have 老年癡呆. My dad runs around at night. Yesterday night, he stands out side his room alone. My family said the fix they put in will dislocate quickly if my dad runs around without knowing what he is doing, and my dad will have to do surgery again to put it back in. This will hurt him a lot.

What to do? My family does not care if he can walk or not. As long as he can sit in wheel chair and his 老年癡呆 is not getting worse, they are happy.

My dad has high blood pressure and Parkinson. He has low white blood cell before. Other than that he is OK. Recently he has some 老年癡呆. 

Will the effect of 全身麻醉 long or short term? Will 全身麻醉 make his 老年癡呆 worse?

Should we go with surgery or just 局麻打個骨釘?



