My dad is 78 and has Parkinson. He also developed 老年癡呆 recently. My sister said he is pretty clear during the day but at night he may say something nobody understand.
He fell and broke his hip 5 days ago.
We have to make decision if he should do surgery or not to fix his hip
Was told
(1) he is 80 years old, may not be easy to sustain the big surgery, and after surgery complicates such as infections ...
(2) surgery has risk such as 血栓. he has high blood pressure.
(3) anesthesia will make his 老年癡呆 worse. Under his 老年癡呆, he may do something that will hurt his hip fix easily.
(4) Parkinson disease makes the hip fix dislocation easier. That means he will need to receive another surgery.
What is the consequences for not doing surgery operation?
(1) not able to move, will get weaker and weaker quickly
(2) pain ?
(3) lung problem?
Any help?
he wants to do operation at the first, he wants to walk himself then he changes his mind not to do it in the afternoon. he may be reverse his decision.