人家沒有board certification,moonlighting總可以吧。在移民病人很多的地區,一口家鄉話勝過所有的paperwork:)))
我知道的這四位醫師,隻有一位是某院ERgroup的長期雇員,其他理論上都是短期的。 我還沒算內科, 小兒科fellow 偶爾在 ER moonlighting 的呢:))) At any given time, ER裏有board certified的ER doctors,有PA,還有這些醫生。ER以前普遍虧空,再說病人也有季節性,如每個ER醫生都必須是board certified的ER doctors,那恐怕更多的ER要關門了。但是對每一個病人來說,碰到誰就難講了。我知道moonlighting的醫師裏有非常優秀的, 當然也會有。。。
“這些沒有完成住院醫培訓,但擁有行醫執照的醫生,理論上可以自行開業。但是沒有相關認證,很難吸引到病人。”對美國訓練的,外語不夠硬的醫師來說,that is very true。 但在移民病人很多的地區,醫師的一口家鄉話往往勝過所有的paperwork:)))我隻能這麽說了。
Last week the Florida House of Representatives took the doctors' side; by a vote of 105 to 4 it passed a measure that would enable them to obtain a license after a period of training in this country. The State Senate is expected to take up the issue this week. Only Fair, Nicaraguans Say
The bill applies mainly to physicians who came here from Nicaragua. The 400 doctors say it is only fair to give them special treatment because 6,000 immigrant Cuban physicians received such treatment from 1961 through 1986. And they point out that in Nicaragua they had seven years of university courses and one year of residency. With the extra training that would be required in Florida, they say, they would be well qualified to practice here.
If the proposal is adopted, Nicaraguans would not have to take the test for foreigners. Using state loans, they could enroll in a yearlong course at the University of Miami Medical School to prepare them for the Federal Licensure Examination. They would have to take the test in English; once they passed, they would spend one year working with a physician in a hospital associated with a medical school. Residency, Then Public Service
The work in the hospital would not be as extensive or rigorous as a resident's. Officials at the University of Miami say there are too few residency positions to accommodate the Nicaraguans.
To win political support for the plan, its backers added one more hurdle before the Nicaraguans could win a permanent license: they would have to practice for a year in areas where medical care is deemed insufficient, like migrant farm workers' camps or prisons.