如本人或家族有病史,可以看醫生,遺傳谘詢(genetic counseling),要先懷疑是什麽病,再選擇合適的DNA測試。比如乳腺癌,比如很多種兒童時期發病的遺傳疾病都有專用的DNA測試。23andme原來提供基因變異檢測,說某種基因變異和某病有關等等。FDA不容許這麽做,所以他們現在好像專做家譜檢驗和產前檢查。您可以Google一下。
Genetic Testing Clinical Reference For Clinicians
Over 1,500 genetic tests are now available clinically, with nearly 300 more available on a research basis only. The number of genetic tests is predicted to increase by 25% annually. [3] There is a boom in the development of genetic tests using the scanning technology from the Genome Project, but questions remain regarding the validity and usefulness of these newer tests.
- Genetic testing holds immense promise for diagnosis and treatment. Medical professionals today, however, feel more skepticism than promise and for good reason.
- Many of the genetic tests offered today have little or no evidence of clinically proven value. Moreover, the regulatory infrastructure needed to apply due diligence on the utility and validity of these tests is largely nonfunctional or nonexistent. [4]