回妹妹媽:關於如何解讀你的stress echo結果。

1. 任何檢查結果都需要結合你的症狀,相關臨床表現,以及家族史等等來解讀,而不是單純地讀結果。這也是醫生需要這麽多年學習和訓練的原因。

2. stress echo是一個相對來說比較精確的檢查,但是它也存在假陽性,和假陰性。有研究顯示:stress echo的陰性正確率(negative predicative value,意思是如果結果是陰性,確實沒有事情的概率)大概是95-99%,而陽性正確率(positivel predicative value,意思是如果結果是陽性,確實有病的概率)大概是70-75%。

3. 你的這個檢查結果不正常,確實需要引起重視,需要進一步看心髒科醫生,根據你的具體情況,看是否還需要進一步檢查。看醫生的時候,可以考慮如下一些問題:





4. FYI,一個心髒疾病自我評估的小測試:

Risk Assessment Tool for Estimating Your 10-year Risk of Having a Heart Attack


  • Highest risk: A greater than 20% risk that you will develop a heart attack or die from coronary disease in the next 10 years. This risk can be reduced by addressing and managing your risk factors with the help of your doctor.
  • Intermediate risk: A 10 to 20% risk that you will develop a heart attack or die from coronary disease in the next 10 years. This risk can be reduced by addressing and managing your risk factors with the help of your doctor.
  • Low risk: Less than 10% risk that you will develop a heart attack or die from coronary disease in the next 10 years. Continue to manage your risk factors and visit your doctor regularly to assess your risk.