您提醒我之後,馬上再仔細看副作用,才發現胖子中招了不少。 我昨天關顧著胖子的腹水治療,問了腫瘤醫生和藥劑師後,聽到的副作用都描述得輕描淡寫的,沒有高度重視,就當熟視無睹的電視廣告裏的藥物副作用警告了。 幹脆貼出來,以後有人用到可以驚醒 Common Side Effects of Spironolactone * Vomiting, diarrhea, and stomach pain or cramps * Dry mouth and thirst * Dizziness, unsteadiness, and headache * Gynecomastia (enlarged breast tissue) in men, and breast pain in women * Irregular menstrual periods and post-menopausal vaginal bleeding * Erectile dysfunction * Deepening of the voice and increased hair growth * Drowsiness, tiredness, and restlessness * Severe Side Effects of Spironolactone * Muscle pain or weakness * Numbness or tingling * Paralysis in the arms or legs * Arrhythmia * Confusion, extreme tiredness, and fainting * Unusual bleeding or bruising * Life-threatening skin reactions * Flu-like symptoms, pain in the upper right abdomen, loss of appetite, vomiting blood, or bloody stools * Difficulty breathing or swallowing * Decreased urination