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By Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, DO, AOBNMM, ABIHM

As the Zika virus fiasco continues to unfold, reports that the virus is spreading rapidly across the world is utter nonsense. Do we know the background prevalence of Zika in the U.S.? In other countries? The virus is difficult to test for and only recently have we started looking for it. The virus isn’t new; in fact, it has been around a long time. It was first identified in 1946 by Rockefeller Foundation researchers who were studying yellow fever in the Zika Forest of Uganda.

In April 1947, a fever developed in a caged rhesus monkey being observed on a tree platform. Two days later, the animal was taken to the Foundation’s laboratory at Entebbe and its serum was inoculated into the brains of mice. After 10 days, all mice were sick. When the agent was isolated, it was named Zika virus. The next year, the Zika virus was also isolated from Aedes Africanus mosquitoes trapped in the same forest. Shortly thereafter, serologic studies found that the virus could cause illness in humans.

Despite evidence of human infectivity, there is no evidence proving the Zika virus causes birth defects. The Washington Post reported (Feb 6, 2016) that even though 3,177 pregnant women in Columbia have been diagnosed with the virus, there has been no increase incidence of microcephaly. However, the Harvard-trained, Brazilian researcher Pliny Bezerra dos Santos Filho, Ph.D. has put together a different scenario: Are the shrunken brains in more than 4,000 children the result of vaccinating pregnant women?


Between March 2013 and March 2014, 226 confirmed cases of measles were reported in the state of Pernambuco, Brazil even though the overall vaccination rate of the state is >95%. Most children had typical measles, consisting of a rash (100%), a fever (100%), a cough (84.5%), a runny nose (68.2%), and conjunctivitis (60.3%). And even though no deaths were reported, a mass vaccination campaign was begun. During the South American Vaccination Week of April 2014, 39,200 women of childbearing age were vaccinated with MMR and other vaccines.

The FDA rates the MMR vaccine – and all vaccines, for that matter – as a Pregnancy Category C. This designation is given to a drug or vaccine that has not been studied in pregnant humans butappears to cause harm to the fetus in animal studies.

Because MMR is a live vaccine, and because exposure to measles, mumps, or rubella during pregnancy can be dangerous to the developing fetus, there is, at least, a theoretical risk the vaccine could cause problems. As a result, the manufacturer of MMR recommends that women should not get pregnant for three months after receiving it. Instead of erring on the side of caution, the CDC and many vaccine journals and textbooks recommend a waiting period of only 30 days is safe enough.

On the heels of the MMR campaign, in late 2014, the Brazilian Ministry of Health’s Epidemiological Surveillance Center mandated all pregnant women to be vaccinated for pertussis using the whole-cell pertussis vaccine, DTPw, during their third trimester. The vaccine was produced by the Butantan Institute, the Brazilian subsidiary of the U.K.- based, GlaxoSmithKline (GSK). In addition to diphtheria, tetanus, and whole-cell pertussis antigens, the vaccine ingredients included:

  • Aluminum hydroxide
  • Aluminum phosphate
  • Bovine serum
  • Bovine casein
  • Formaldehyde
  • Glutaraldehyde
  • Glycine and
  • Polysorbate 80

The U.S. equivalent to the vaccine used in Brazil is Boostrix. The package insert for this vaccine state:

There are no adequate and well-controlled studies in pregnant women. Because animal reproduction studies are not always predictive of human response, BOOSTRIX should be given to a pregnant woman only if clearly needed.”

Putting these two campaigns together, Dr. dos Santos Filho announced,

“What is now disclosed is that Zika is easily associated with rubella. The maximum number of children born with microcephaly corresponded with the MMR vaccine campaign….the package insert for the DTPw states this vaccine is not recommended for use in pregnant women.

The evidence is compelling: This horrible travesty is iatrogenically-induced. The live, rubella virus acted synergistically with the neurotoxic whole cell pertussis vaccine antigens, resulting in a syndrome similar to congenital rubella, a condition which manifests as cataracts, blindness, deafness, and microcephaly.

Instead of charging ahead to develop a Zika vaccine, the WHO and others should stop and say, “OMG. We must stop vaccinating pregnant women.”

World citizens must revolt. We must stop the continual human experimentation called vaccination.


我記得一個小頭症的巴西學者說這個病兩年前就開始Zika還沒流行呢。總之現在WHO也不能隨便相信了。 -pamperedpaws- 給 pamperedpaws 發送悄悄話 pamperedpaws 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 02/16/2016 postreply 14:24:54



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