Sauerkraut Test Divulges Shocking Probiotic Count
It was recently reported that sauerkraut topped the charts of probiotics, surpassing that of over-the -counter probiotics purchased.
Dr. Mercola sent his sauerkraut off to a lab and reported the findings of probiotics saying, “We had it analyzed. We found in a 4-6 ounce serving of the fermented vegetables there were literally ten trillion bacteria.” That means 2 ounces of home fermented sauerkraut had more probiotics than a bottle of 100 count probiotic capsules. Translated this means one 16 ounce of sauerkraut is equal to 8 bottles of probiotics.
He says there’s two ways a lab can analyze the microbial presence in the sauerkraut,”One is to measure the quantity of bacteria growing and then the more expensive process is to speciate the different types of bacteria. We’re in the process of doing that now.”
In The Gluten Summit, 2013, Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride, MD, told Dr. Tom O’Bryan, ““With every mouthful of sauerkraut you’re consuming billions of beneficial microbes which will be killing the pathogens in your gut driving them out and replenishing the beneficial flora in your digestive tract.”
The probiotic count of store-bought, shelf stable sauerkraut does not compare to home-brewed sauerkraut. Click here to learn how to make your own. Click here to learn how to make sauerkraut at home and here to learn how to make kraut juice, a more gentle on the stomach probiotic for those with leaky gut. People who do have unbalanced gut flora with an overpopulation of bad gut bacteria pathogens experience die-off symptoms such as diarrhea, rash, cold-like symptoms, flu-like symptoms, etc. Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride recommends starting with one teaspoon and looking for die-off symptoms then gradually increasing the amount daily or weekly depending on what your body can handle. To read more click here. To see another test on mice with sauerkraut click here.
Die off symptoms are accompanied with inflammation. Healing and inflammation do not go hand in hand. It is important to keep inflammation down so healing can take place therefore it is important to keep the amount of die off down to just below a noticeable state.
Cabbage is high in anti-inflammatory properties, vitamins A and C. Cabbage also reduces lipids in the bloodstream. When cabbage is fermented into sauerkraut the fermentation process opens up the cell walls accessing a higher ratio of vitamins. It has been said that sauerkraut has 200 times more vitamin C than the head of cabbage before fermentation.
The African Journal of Science and Research (AJSR) said, “Healthy colons of humans contain some beneficial bacteria which feed on digestive wastes, thereby producing lactic acid. Without these beneficial bacteria, the digestive tracts become a thriving zone for pathogenic bacteria and yeasts, resulting in candidiasis. However, it is suggested that the consumption of lacto-fermented sauerkraut could help re-establish lactobacilli.”
Bacteria in your body outnumber your cells by about 10 to 1.
Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride, MD, author GAPS (affiliate link) says 90% of our body is made up of microbes.
In 1807 French psychiatrist Phillipe Pinel said, “The primary seat of insanity generally is in the region of the stomach and intestines.” Pinel is known as the father of modern psychiatry and came to this quote after working with mental patients for many years.
Sauerkraut is high in tyrosine, an amino acid that affects many aspects of the body including blood pressure regulation and dopamine. To learn how to make your own sauerkraut in three easy steps click here.
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*Nourishing Plot is written by a mom whose son has been delivered from the effects of autism (asperger’s syndrome), ADHD, bipolar disorder/manic depression, hypoglycemia and dyslexia through food. This is not a news article published by a paper trying to make money. This blog is put out by a mom who sees first hand the effects of nourishing food vs food-ish items. No company pays her for writing these blogs, she considers this a form of missionary work. It is her desire to scream it from the rooftops so that others don’t suffer from the damaging effect of today’s “food”.