我12月底來月經(距離上次月經40天),來月經第二天夜裏腹痛,早上醒來,右下腹很痛,有壓痛反跳痛,到醫院做了B超, 結果如下
Uterus: 8.8 x 5.6 x 6.1 cm.
Right Ovary size: 2.6 x 1.4 x 2.1 cm.
Left Ovary size: 2.2 x 1.7 x 1.6 cm
Endometrium: 3 mm.
Appendix: The appendix could not be discretely identified. A small
pocket of fluid is seen within the right lower quadrant measuring
1.8 x 2.1 x 1.6 cm. Rebound pain was noted with ultrasound probe
pressure in the right lower quadrant.
Pelvis: Fluid-fluid level is seen within the endometrial canal
with mobile debris, likely reflecting menstrual material.
Normal appearance of the bilateral ovaries which demonstrate
normal venous and arterial waveforms. No adnexal cystic lesions
are identified. A small amount of free fluid is seen within the
right adnexa.
Ascites: A small amount of free fluid is seen within the pelvis.
Additionally a fluid collection is seen within the right lower
quadrant, in the expected location of the appendix as described
又做了CT, 顯示闌尾稍微變大(正常值上線),白血球增高(正常值上線),醫生懷疑闌尾炎,吊了抗生素,之後白血球下降,放我回家,吃了7天的阿木西林。現下腹有點隱隱作痛,基本可以忽略不計。