Dear Yale: I loved being here. I only wish I could’ve had some time. I needed time to work things out and to wait for new medication to kick in, but I couldn’t do it in school, and I couldn’t bear the thought of having to leave for a full year, or of leaving and never being readmitted. Love, Luchang.
加州公路巡警(CHP)發言人希爾(Daniel Hill)27日晚上向本報證實,當局於周二上午10時29分接報,一名亞裔女子爬過金門大橋欄杆跳橋. 當局在金門大橋上發現一隻背包,內有死者的身分證,因此和耶魯大學警方取得聯係,校警局確認死者跳橋自殺。希爾拒絕透露背包內是否有遺書或其他物件。