Bodyblade - Shape Magazine最佳

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推薦一個新健身器,可以配合蹦床: 腳底蹦,手上用Bodyblade練習。

據說是一位理療師發明的,用於physical therapy. 每天練幾分鍾,就有效果。被Shape magazine 評為最佳健身趨勢之一。

Bodyblade Workout - Best New Fitness Classes | Shape Magazine

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Apr 21, 2014 - These 15 innovative workouts mix up traditional training methods to deliver amazing results and make ...


花了175點健身points,免費換了這件寶貝,bodyblade pro, Amazon 140多。QVC基本model,79元。


Shake things up. An innovative fitness system, Bodyblade works to improve balance, coordination, strength, and muscle endurance. Using the power of vibration and inertia, Bodyblade's oscillating motion stimulates the core, spine, and hundreds of other muscles to contract up to 270 times a minute. Simply take it, shake it, and match the rhythm of the blade.

As always, please consult your personal physician before beginning any diet or exercise program.

Take a realistic approach: If you work consistently and follow the program, you maximize your results.


Love This
Posted by 11-04-15
Overall Rating
5 out of 5
" I had watched several QVC presentations of this and then last year my interest was peaked while going to physical therapy last fall when I noticed & watched a woman using this for her recovery from back surgery. I could see muscles moving in her back and of course her arms. So I decided a month ago to purchase it from QVC. I haven't yet actually watched the DVD all the way thru or even used the Body Blade using the DVD except for a couple of minutes. I have merely just tested it out and used it based on the videos from QVC website. Let me tell you that this thing does work. I keep it in a room in house I am in and out of often during the day. I try to pick up the Body Blade when I am in that room & do a few minutes with it. I have seen noticeable changes in my arms already. I purchased this to help with 'aging' arms and also wanted to help strengthen the muscles in my back, etc. I like the portability of it as well. Takes up no room and it's so easy to use. So glad I made this purchase! "
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