接到mammogram 辦公室的電話。要我從去做次mammogram 並做altrasoun。周三去。心裏很忐忑。去拿了report。不太懂,請壇子裏的醫生們給解釋一下。謝謝!
There is extremely dense fibroglandular breast tissue, which lower the sensitivity of mammography for breast cancer. There is a 6mm ovoid asymmetry in the left breast anterior depth, there is only seen on the CC projection. No worrisome mass lesions demonstrated in right breast. This is retroareolar in location. No worrisome microcalcification in either breast.
final assessment: BI-RADS 0-- additional evaluation needed
Recommendation: spot compression view of the left breast in the CC projection, as well as a full field medial lateral view of the left breast. Topmost thesis may be of benefit. Ultrasound may be needed if this asymmetry persists.