bagel裏有yoga mat (azodicarbonamide)chemical

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The “yoga mat” chemical officially known azodicarbonamide hit the headlines last week when Subway announced they were dropping the ingredient from their sandwiches. But chances are, you’re still eating it – the chemical is in close to 500 foods still on the market – and in your kitchen – according to a report issued today by the Environmental Working Group.

Bread, BAGELS,pastries, pizza, tortillas, hamburger and hot dog buns often contain azodicarbonamide, which is used to bleach flour, and to make dough more elastic.

Why is azodicarbonamide (ADA) called the “yoga mat” chemical? Because its primary use is in plastic and rubber products like yoga mats and flip flops, where it’s used to make them softer and more stretchy. According to the scientists at the EWG, azodicarbonamide functions “like champagne for plastics,” aerating plastic with tiny bubbles to make it lighter, spongier, and more flexible.
