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因為太多孩子受傷,美國兒科醫師協會(AAP)希望有孩子的家庭別買蹦床,也別到別人家玩。  2012AAP專門為此發了一個政策聲明updated policy statement)。希望旗下6萬多兒科醫師  積極勸阻(actively discourage)孩子在家玩蹦床。每年有大約十萬人蹦床受傷, 92%成了兒科病人。  目前沒有證據顯示蹦床加網或加厚墊子等等可以降低受傷風險。     以下是AAP聲明的link

AAP Advises Against Recreational Trampoline Use


·  American Academy Of Pediatrics

Sep 24, 2012 - An updated report by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) cautions against home trampoline use, and provides updated data on the ...


“Pediatricians need to actively discourage recreational trampoline use,” said Michele LaBotz, MD, FAAP, co-author of the updated policy statement. “Families need to know that many injuries occur on the mat itself, and current data do not appear to demonstrate that netting or padding significantly decrease the risk of injury.” - See more at: https://www.aap.org/en-us/about-the-aap/aap-press-room/pages/AAP-Advises-Against-Recreational-Trampoline-Use.aspx#sthash.L6ZB06tM.dpuf

·  Trampolines: What You Need to Know - HealthyChildren.org


·  Healthy Children

May 11, 2015 - ?Trampolines are popular among children and teens and even among ... If you choose to have a home trampoline, the AAP recommends the ...

·  The Number Of Trampoline-Related Injuries Is Higher Than ...


The Huffington Post

Apr 29, 2014 - Most trampoline-related fractures occurred in kids (92.7 percent occurred in ... The AAP said in its statement that pediatricians should "advise ...


In calendar year 2006, reports the Consumer Product Safety Review, trampolines caused an estimated 109,522 injuries. Of those injuries, children from 4 years old and younger sustained an estimated 15,541; children from 5 to 14, an estimated 71.265; older children and young adults 15 to 24, an estimated 14,571; adults 25 to 64, an estimated 7,836; and adults 65 and older sustained an estimated 309 injuries. About 104,729 of those individuals of all ages who were injured were treated in emergency rooms and released. The rest, an approximately 4,793, were either hospitalized or dead on arrival. SpineUniverse.com reports six trampoline-related deaths since 1990.



AAP1999, 2006年也發過類似聲明,這是AAP多年的政策。 -誌在千裏- 給 誌在千裏 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 07/09/2015 postreply 20:23:24

俺看了 Fanny Family Video 後,就沒有買。害怕把俺的老胳膊老腿摔斷了。老牛破車要留著過坎兒。。。 -禦用文人- 給 禦用文人 發送悄悄話 (89 bytes) () 07/09/2015 postreply 21:44:04

稟禦醫:我們的Trampoline前麵要加”Mini“,和上麵的及您說的是2回事---上麵和您說的是Recreational T -越王- 給 越王 發送悄悄話 越王 的博客首頁 (23 bytes) () 07/09/2015 postreply 22:06:27

The Fanny Family Video 裏,大部分是大型的 Trampolines, 也有幾個小型的 Trampoline -禦用文人- 給 禦用文人 發送悄悄話 (72 bytes) () 07/09/2015 postreply 22:19:30

AAP對小孩是”迷你”和大型的都反對,見內(前文的第二個link)。不過AAP不管成人:))), 您盡管enjoy您的。。。 -誌在千裏- 給 誌在千裏 發送悄悄話 (1091 bytes) () 07/09/2015 postreply 22:41:03

說實話,我很不讚成在院子裏放個蹦床給孩子玩。這樣家長等於是給自己找了個要隨時監督的大責任。 -Lily168- 給 Lily168 發送悄悄話 Lily168 的博客首頁 (461 bytes) () 07/09/2015 postreply 23:22:59

在學校裏放置一些這類玩意兒,出了事兒,校方也得承擔責任。。。 -禦用文人- 給 禦用文人 發送悄悄話 (6 bytes) () 07/09/2015 postreply 23:29:17

我原本想專門為您貼一個老年人顛蹦床的視頻呢,但是想想沒必要了。。。:) -Lily168- 給 Lily168 發送悄悄話 Lily168 的博客首頁 (6 bytes) () 07/09/2015 postreply 23:33:14

老年人得最好運動是釣魚,散步,種花。。。 -禦用文人- 給 禦用文人 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 07/09/2015 postreply 23:41:35

AAP 對孩子玩自行車,teamsports都有各自的指南,現急著上班,有空再談 -誌在千裏- 給 誌在千裏 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 07/10/2015 postreply 06:11:41

每年一百多萬個受傷事故都是在層層guidelines籠罩下發生的。 -Lily168- 給 Lily168 發送悄悄話 Lily168 的博客首頁 (161 bytes) () 07/10/2015 postreply 10:37:08

你沒看文章裏的受傷人群是high risk taken teenager? 這兒都是中年的想跳那麽高也沒那麽大力氣lol -貓狗大戰- 給 貓狗大戰 發送悄悄話 貓狗大戰 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 07/10/2015 postreply 00:17:47

AAP不管成人的。 他們隻管到21歲:))) -誌在千裏- 給 誌在千裏 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 07/10/2015 postreply 05:59:52

裏麵對比小孩子和teen,後者的受傷率高啊 -貓狗大戰- 給 貓狗大戰 發送悄悄話 貓狗大戰 的博客首頁 (6 bytes) () 07/10/2015 postreply 07:04:19

關鍵還是家長監督和教育孩子注意安全。我看見鄰居家的孩子玩都很認真地把網子拉鏈拉上。 -viewfinder- 給 viewfinder 發送悄悄話 viewfinder 的博客首頁 (594 bytes) () 07/10/2015 postreply 05:02:46



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