我小的時候養過狗, 但是那時候人還沒巧克力吃呢? 關於你說的,我不知道是真還是假

回答: 你養過狗嗎?你愛吃巧克力嗎?TBz2015-05-16 07:57:36

這裏我找到一個說法, 請參考 http://abcnews.go.com/GMA/Pets/myth-busting-pet-dangers/story?id=11478985,

我摘取一段 (好像是謠言)
Small Amounts of Chocolate Are Deadly to Dogs: Myth

Many pet owners think that just one bite of chocolate kill your dog, but the truth is, a large dog would have to eat a lot of milk chocolate to get sick -- more than a couple of pounds.

But even though chocolate is not necessarily deadly, that doesn't mean you should give it out as treats.

"The rule of thumb is, the darker the chocolate, and the smaller the dog, the more dangerous it is," Becker said.
