最常見耳鳴原因是hearing loss

我本人是audiologist. The most common known reason of tinnitus is hearing loss. Peripheral hearing (sensorineural hearing loss)發生變化時,中樞神經係統會compensate. This is one of the well accepted theories for tinnitus. 四十多歲就有聽力損失有點早。一般到六十歲以後才開始下降。你的耳鳴可能跟聽力下降有關。西醫對這個沒什麽辦法。當然其他原因也可造成耳鳴,如wax build up,eustachine tube dysfunction, otosclerosis, etc.etc., as well as stress, loud noise exposure. 一般病人睡覺不好,I would recommend melatonin. There has been a few studies and it actually works for some patient. Masking noises can be used. There are some free APPs for tinnitus noise. Remember, tinnitus is a symptom, not a disease. Try to avoid silence. 就先想到這麽多.
