In order to treat edema...There are at least three techniques to

1. Diuretic, such as lasix;
2. Increase osmolarity by infusing albumin or fresh blood;
3. PUF when ever lasix does not work well.

This patient has wet lung and lower limb edema for weeks, and it diminished too slow. If a lung infection happens, it might kill the patient. That was why Dr. Eagen carried out an aggressive treatment by employing lasix, infusion of albumin and transfusion of fresh blood, and PUF as well. So far, until this doctor came in, the fat guy started a real improvement.


thanks , PUF 裏的P stands for ???? -夢中夕陽- 給 夢中夕陽 發送悄悄話 夢中夕陽 的博客首頁 (8 bytes) () 05/14/2015 postreply 18:00:31

Smart boy! It is Pure Ultrafiltration -禦用文人- 給 禦用文人 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 05/14/2015 postreply 18:04:07

哈哈哈, 猜的 -夢中夕陽- 給 夢中夕陽 發送悄悄話 夢中夕陽 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 05/14/2015 postreply 18:05:43
