A Grievous Day

來源: Juzizhoutou 2015-04-19 17:04:10 [] [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (4026 bytes)

Today is a grievous day. For I have been cried so much.

For who? The dog Rocky( owned by Ergouma at Pets Forum of WXC) and the American legendary champion  racehorse Seabisuit about70 years ago.

Rocky who was a colorful and handsome and obedient loving dog. But he had suffered from the rear legs paralyzing and uncontroled defecating that his parents had to put him sleep by the euthanasia.  I learnt this sad news hours ago. I sobbed for him.

Then I was continuously reading the  #1 New York Times Bestseller  book ((Seabiscuit)). I have read the first 4 chapters, and got to known the owner Charles Howard, the trainer Tom Smith, the jockey Red Pollard and a little about this little born with disability horse. That 's a thick book for hundreds pages. I just could not wait to see the ending of his life. That  's a very sad ending: He died of apparent heart attack at the relatively yothful age of fourteen. The time was on the moring of May 17, 1947. I cried for him, too!

Seabiscuit, who was abused when he was a bay. Until he found the talented legendary trainer Tom, and picked up by the Bole owner Charles Howard, then he was lucky to got the kind teenager Canadian jockey Red Pollard .  He made the wealthy and bighearted owner more rich and famous, and rose Tom and Red Pollard from rag to rich, and from obscure to be wellknown nationwide.

He could live longer, if he were not a racehorse. His body was too small. His knees were crooked that his legs could not be straight. Plus too much racing since he was a colt by the previous trainer . Which all took the toll of his health. His heart was overwhelmed! But he was retired and passed away at his stall.  A lots of champion racehoeses even just passed out and died after the racing wih out claiming their trophies! They were so loyal! They did their best to please their owners, trainers and jockeys, but cut their own lives short.

So are we. That 's why I always advise every one do not overrun by the time and the speed. Those fast and long distance runs which should be avoided. The marathon is not recomendable, especial for the old people.  The similar lesson was:  A 80-year-old plus Caucasian lady who was an avid  runner and was very healthy. But she misjoined the Boston marathon( few years ago with the terrorism attacking) at her old age.  The price that she paid was sad and big- she died right the day after the event. Otherwise she could live much longer, right?

Salute you, dear hero Seabiscuit! You would meet your beloved Daddy C. H. 3 years later( he was a legend, too. He left his wealthy family behind with 0 dollar all the way to California from New York, due to his father 's ignormity. He was the first person who could convince the people to buying the cars( by the time that Buick that was the only brand in the US) instead of  riding the horses after the earthquake in San Francisco. He was a 100% role model of from pennyless to millionaire, but was generous and merciful. He was heartbroken of his beloved little boy Seabisuit 's passing and left his loved ones by the same cause in1950).  That way you were not lonely in heaven. 

RIP, dear Rocky and Seabiscuit!

Oh, today is Friday.

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