測算你是否需要服用他汀類藥物的計算器--- Adult Treatment Panel (ATP) III calculator

來源: 閩姑 2015-04-14 17:16:10 [] [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (4400 bytes)
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1. 點擊以下計算器鏈接, 輸入你最近體檢的膽固醇等數值,如果算出來是>7.5%,那麽醫生會建議你服藥降膽固醇. 
我算了一下我的: Less than 1%.

Adult Treatment Panel (ATP III) - GlobalRPh

2. NEJM關於使用他汀類藥物的討論和解釋的文章:


3. 這個鏈接的後半部分會指導你先從改變生活方式開始,無效後如何進行藥物治療(介紹藥物種類,副作用和禁忌症等): 

ATP III Guidelines At-A-Glance Quick Desk Reference


More Americans could benefit from statins

Cholesterol-lowering statin drugs could be prescribed to an estimated 33 million Americans without cardiovascular disease who have a 7.5 percent or higher risk for a heart attack or stroke within the next 10 years. That’s according to a new cholesterol guideline from the American Heart Association and American College of Cardiology.

This is a dramatic change from the 2002 federal cholesterol guideline, which recommended that people should only take a statin if their 10-year risk level exceeded 20 percent. The old guideline only considered a person’s risk for heart disease, leaving out the risk for stroke.

Statins are drugs that lower the amount of cholesterol circulating in the blood. Seven statin drugs are currently available in the U.S.

“We’ve been undertreating people who need statin therapy in this country,” said American Heart Association volunteer Donald Lloyd-Jones, M.D., one of 20 experts on the committee that wrote the new guideline.

Examples of groups that would exceed the 7.5 percent risk threshold and therefore benefit from statin therapy include white women over 60 who smoke and have high blood pressure and African-American men over 50 with high blood pressure.

“Statins lower cholesterol levels, but what they really target is overall cardiovascular risk,” said Lloyd-Jones, a preventive cardiologist and chair of the Department of Preventive Medicine at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine in Chicago.

Ideally, the level of bad (LDL) cholesterol should be below 100 milligrams per deciliter of blood (mg/dL). It is considered high at 160 mg/dL. For someone taking a statin, the risk for a heart attack or stroke drops by about 20 percent for each 39 mg/dL reduction in bad (LDL) cholesterol, according to the guideline. Bad cholesterol is considered high at 160 mg/dL.

The guideline recommends statin therapy for the following groups:

  • People without cardiovascular disease who are 40 to 75 years old and have a 7.5 percent or higher risk for heart attack or stroke within 10 years.
  • People with a history of heart attack, stroke, stable or unstable angina, peripheral artery disease, transient ischemic attack, or coronary or other arterial revascularization.
  • People 21 and older who have a very high level of bad cholesterol (190 mg/dL or higher).
  • People with Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes who are 40 to 75 years old.


我的也是1%,點讚,多謝,收藏了。 -Novermber- 給 Novermber 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 04/14/2015 postreply 17:31:59

:-) -閩姑- 給 閩姑 發送悄悄話 閩姑 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 04/14/2015 postreply 17:44:17

時差倒好了?我覺得回美國倒時差快(也可能回來一兩天後就要上班),回國時倒得慢,一到下午4點左右就困:-( -閩姑- 給 閩姑 發送悄悄話 閩姑 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 04/14/2015 postreply 17:43:00

-閩姑- 給 閩姑 發送悄悄話 閩姑 的博客首頁 (122 bytes) () 04/14/2015 postreply 17:50:03

標題注意加注”慎入“二字, -惡俗老狼- 給 惡俗老狼 發送悄悄話 惡俗老狼 的博客首頁 (82 bytes) () 04/14/2015 postreply 17:51:27

誰讓你和我在意見區裏相見呢,為那handsome George的爹爹的事:-) -閩姑- 給 閩姑 發送悄悄話 閩姑 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 04/14/2015 postreply 18:08:42

是呀,想起來了。 -Novermber- 給 Novermber 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 04/14/2015 postreply 18:16:11

在此謝謝仗義支持 -吃與活- 給 吃與活 發送悄悄話 吃與活 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 04/14/2015 postreply 19:07:36

喂,差了輩份了,我家老大聲稱他是喬治的dad, 俺就隻好當爺爺了:) -吃與活- 給 吃與活 發送悄悄話 吃與活 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 04/14/2015 postreply 19:05:48

你們紐約現在是幾點了?我們可還是夕陽暖洋洋的。。 -Novermber- 給 Novermber 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 04/14/2015 postreply 18:07:12

沒用地,強邏輯會證明你就是我.博文都不止一篇啦..... -閩姑- 給 閩姑 發送悄悄話 閩姑 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 04/14/2015 postreply 18:10:20

今天才知你有3個孩子,真能幹!那個醫學院畢業的女兒是最大的? -swj2000- 給 swj2000 發送悄悄話 swj2000 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 04/14/2015 postreply 18:49:56

你真年輕呀,羨慕。 -Novermber- 給 Novermber 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 04/14/2015 postreply 18:14:03

沒看到啊,以後要多放一段時間。 -吃與活- 給 吃與活 發送悄悄話 吃與活 的博客首頁 (21 bytes) () 04/14/2015 postreply 19:43:08



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