How to Strengthen the Heart, to Have Good Circulation

來源: Juzizhoutou 2015-04-08 17:04:34 [] [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (3587 bytes)
If you are a busy house wife with house work and  kids; Or if you work at the office from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM; Or if there is a raining or snowing day, you may think that the exercise is impossible. Of course that 's hard, but at least you can do the Dumbbell Weight Lifting.

First of all, you have to choose the right weight for you. The heavier is the better. I am a 5'4'' slender female, mine are 8LBs. This could be a reference to you.

Then, it 's about the length. You may beginning with 100 times, then gradually  increase to 200, 300, 400, until 800. Any way you have to be sweated. Otherwise won't work.

And you better to have a scale. You should measure your weight before and after, you will see the difference right away. That way you may have more confidence to be continued, and to be persisted. You could lose 3.2 to 6.4 Oz per time when you be able to reach that 800 summit! 

The last question is how to do it?

Here are the tips: 1. Have your feet be apart to be the same width with your shoulders. 2. Have your hands hold the dumbbells toward the sky, surpass your head, to be upright and still for 1 second. Then be repeated. That way your heart, pericardia, lung and large intestines, triple heaters, small intestines meridians could be all get through and opened up. Your body temperature could be increased real quick, your tiredness and sleepiness will be gone shortly. And you might heard big sounds from your digestive system, or even could smell something.  Of course you should not stop unless you have been sweated.

After this, your knees would getting stiff. So have to do something to help that:  You can hold the edge of a desk or a counter, to have your feet to be lifted and kicked backward as high as possible for 30 times each side. That way, your stomach, liver, kidney, spleen and your bladder and gallbladder meridians would be opened up; and your anal muscle, your vaginal muscle and  your pelvic floor muscles, all could be strengthened and tightened. You won 't have feces leaking, urine leaking, and vagina loose problems.

The epilogue is have your body to be bent, untill your palms to be touched to the ground, and keep your knees straight for 70 times, in order to help your governing and conception meridians.

If you can keep doing this daily, you will see the great results: Your heart is strong. Your body is warm.  Your bone density has been enhanced that you have less risk for the osteoporosis.  You will be able to lose weight. You will be healthier, slender, younger and prettier!  




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