Yes. You are a diabetic and you

have hypertension and heart disease( the normal heart rates must be between 60 and 80. If over 100 is typical fibrillation. Yours is 127- your heart is no longer muscle pumping, but fiber shaking. Your blood is getting thicker. Your vein is hard to be returned. It could cause the blood clots and stroke). Usual like this situation, your blood pressure should be very lower. But yours are high( the normal blood pressure must be under120/under 80). Yours are already as high as 131/89. Why? Because your are a diabetic( your AIC is high; your Glomerular filtration rate is 79( the normal rate must be under 60. Your glucose must over 10. I guess). Your kidneys have been hurt by the high sugar. So it is dysfunctional that retents water, the toxin can not be filtered and can be removed from your body. So it makes your heart works harder(plus you already have heart problem), the water can not be pumped out from your heart, so makes the blood pressure high, though you merely have a little blood be able to be returned to your heart. Usually if only have kidney issue, the systolic ( top) blood pressure could be high, the diastolic (bottom) blood pressure is not high. But yours is 89. This usually refers that your triglyceride is high( of course You got a fatty liver, so your triglyceride is very high.

I think all your health issues caused by your heavy body weight. You are 5'5 ", you could weigh about 140 LBS the most, not 225 BLS. First of all, you have to lose weight.

Where do you live in CA? I can help you the whole thing.
