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39 of 43 people found the following review helpful By Guy Denutte on April 24, 2010
Format: Paperback Verified Purchase
Billions of dollars have been invested in cancer research, and so far no general cure for cancer has been approved by the FDA.

Radiotherapy is not effective, since radiation *causes* cancer. The failure rate of this therapy is therefore very high.

Chemotherapy uses strong poisons that are given to the patient in the hope that the cancer cells in his body will die before he does. Unfortunately, those poisons can not distinguish between cancer and non-cancer cells. Instead they differentiate between cells that are fast growing and those that are slow. Dr. Richardson explains what happens to the body of the patient : "Cells that actively are dividing are the targets. Consequently they kill not only cancer cells that are dividing but also a multitude of normal cells all over the body that happen to be caught in the act of dividing. (...) ... the resulting pain and illness often is a torment worse than the disease itself. The toxins catch the blood cells in the process of dividing and cause blood poisoning. The gastro intestinal system is thrown into convulsion causing violent nausea, diarrhea, loss of appetite, cramps, and progressive weakness. Hair cells are fast growing, so usually the hair falls out during treatment. Reproductive organs are affected, causing impotency or sterility. The brain becomes fatigued and wracked with pain. Eyesight and hearing are impaired. In fact, every conceivable function is disrupted with such agony for the patient that many elect to die of the cancer rather than continue treatment".

Notwithstanding this poor result, the market of chemotherapy in the US alone is worth 1 billion dollars per year. Big Pharma and the FDA concentrate on the tumor. They don't care on the life expectancy nor the quality of life of the patient. Pain isn't relevant to them either.

The effectiveness of Laetrile is clear. Please read World Without Cancer: The Story of Vitamin B17 (New edition revised and updated) to check this out. This book is the perfect complement, since Dr. John Richardson, while still able to operate his clinic, helped more than 4.000 people. In this book he tells the stories of 62 people with different types of cancers that he cured. This book was written in 1977. In 2005, Patricia Griffin tried to contact those patients in order to be able to determine the real life extension of those people. I will highlight some of those cases, one in each category of cancer.


Man : patient "M136TB"
Age when cancer was detected : 17
Year of diagnose : 1975
Statistical life expectancy : less than a year
Life extension : alive and well after 30 years in 2005

After having undergone chemotherapy for five months, without success - since another spot showed up - the parents decided to decide into laetrile as an alternative. The patient describes his reaction to the course of the therapy in these words : "I was treated like I was just as normal as anyone walking on this earth - what I mean is, they didn't treat me like I was deathly sick, but they treated me like I was going to get well. "


Name : John Peterson
Age when cancer was detected : 61
Year of diagnose : 1973
Statistical life expectancy : a year
Life extension : 13 years, died at age 74 in 1986

The patient related in a letter what the next few weeks after diagnose were like for him : "I was in constant, unrelenting pain, my body jerked in spasms, there was some rectal bleeding, and I became so weak I could hardly rise from a chair and walk. At this time, I learned from friends where I could get Laetrile treatment. My wife drove the car, the one and one-half-hour drive to the San Francisco Bay area where I received my first injection of Laetrile, October 25, 1973. I was too weak to drive, in fact I passed out in the car both going and returning from these first daily treatments. Improvement was apparent within the days and in about thirty days I was driving the car myself. I was again looking forward to each new sunrise with anticipation of some pleasure in being alive."


Woman : patient "M110MX"
Age when cancer was detected : 50
Year of diagnose : 1974
Life extension : 19 years; died at age 70 in 1993

Laetrile treatment prevented the removal of the left breast, as suggested by her original physician.


Woman : patient "H132I"
Age when cancer was detected : 59
Year of diagnose : 1973
Life extension : 27 years; died at age 86 in 2000


Name : Lorraine Ford
Age when cancer was detected : 60
Year of diagnose : 1974
Statistical life expectancy : 6 months
Life extension : 5 years; died at age 65 in 1979

Tried first chemotherapy, to no avail.


Name : Lorette Lau
Age when cancer was detected : 61
Year of diagnose : 1975
Statistical life expectancy : a year
Life extension : 22 years; died at age 83 in 1997


Woman : patient "A156JC"
Year of diagnose : 1973
Metabolic treatment started : 1974
Life extension : alive and well after 31 years in 2005

The patient first drank an "atomic cocktail", which produced a slow recovery, but after six months her health went downhill : "I lost about thirty pounds. I had dark yellow skin and dark around my eyes. I was constantly tired. I slept a great deal and felt sleepy the rest of the time. It was around this time I first heard of Laetrile. I felt the treatments I had been receiving were ineffective, and so I chose to come to the Richardson Clinic. Dr. Richardson did not make any promises to me, but within ten days of beginning nutritional therapy and Laetrile, I noticed considerable improvement. My eyes and skin returned to their normal color. I stopped losing weight, the terrible tired feeling left, as did the pain... Friends and relatives who have watched my progress are amazed at how well I look... We've had a number of cases of cancer in my family on both sides. I am the only one who has taken Laetrile and I am the only one who has survived. "


Name : Thelma Mosca
Age when cancer was detected : 55
Year of diagnose : 1975
Statistical life expectancy : 3 months
Life extension : alive 2 years later; not traceable in 2005

After discovery of cancer in the Kaiser Hospital in Oakland, California, a surgery was planned. Mrs. Mosca decided to cancel it, since her mother died after surgery and radiation, and told her she would never do it again. After watching the Tom Snyder TV show she learned to know about Laetrile, and contacted the Richardson Clinic. Only fourteen days after starting metabolic therapy, pathology report from a Pap smear revealed : "Class 1 negative. No atypical cells present [cancer no longer present]".

In a letter to the Richardson clinic, Mrs. Mosca wrote : "When my doctor [the one who recommended surgery] asked me if I knew how painful death from cancer would be, I said yes I knew. My mother had breast cancer. She was butchered and burned and died a slow and painful death. We had to keep her arm in ice packs twenty-four hours a day because of cobalt burns. My mother was not helped or saved. That is precisely why I rejected surgery and radiation. "


Naam : Ben Reynolds
Age when cancer was detected : 63
Year of diagnose : 1973
Life extension : 6 years; died at age 69 in 1979

Mr. Reynolds started with chemotherapy but switched rapidly to. This is why he chose Laetrile : "I took chemotherapy for three days only. I had started metabolic therapy on July 23 and 24 [1973] and then submitted [for the last time] to the chemotherapy on July 27, 1973. Mixed up ? Yes. But, then what does one do for cancer treatment when one knows nothing to start with ? It took only a few minutes reading the Physician's Desk Reference on the third day I was on chemotherapy to know what I wanted to do and what I did not want to do. This is what the book had to say about my drugs : "Ovocen (Vincristine): Mode of action is unknown but under investigation... Extreme care must be used in calculating the dose... Overdosing may have a serious or fatal outcome." Cytoxan : "Its mechanism of action is not known". Nor did I want Prednisone, about which I read more of the same. I was not ready to die, not from cancer and certainly not from the poisons they were going to give me, so I wouldn't die from cancer. "


Name : Shane Horton
Age when cancer was detected : 6
Year of diagnose : 1973
Life expectancy : 6 to 9 months
Life extension : alive and well after 32 years in 2005

This little boy was six years old when his symptoms began. He was so weak he couldn't stand on his own legs and had to see Disneyland from a wheelchair... Osteosarcoma of the right humerus [right upper arm bone] and the third lumbar vertebra (spine) was discovered, when the kid couldn't lift his right arm. The hospital summary of the Mercy Hospital, Sacramento, California, in November 9, 1973, stated : "It would appear that this unfortunate child has already distant metastases from his primary tumor. In all likelihood he will develop evidence of metastases elsewhere in the very near future... pulmonary metastases are so common with metastatic osteogenic sarcoma. Unfortunately the patient is not a candidate for curative therapy and the primary question is how best to palliate this child to maintain him in a functional pain-free state for as long as possible. "

Instead of palliative treatment the parents of Shane chose Laetrile.


You are the *only* person on earth *really* concerned in *your own health*.

Question the authority of your doctor - the man in the white coat. He is not that wise as he wishes to project himself. He was educated at university always to prescribe patented drugs, and he participates, the whole length of his professional career, in conferences and congresses in exotic resorts all over the world, paid by Big Pharma, who want him to continue to push their newest patented drugs. So don't expect him to agree with (cheap) vitamin B17-treatment.

Ultimately, it's your choice.

It's your life.
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16 of 16 people found the following review helpful By June Agresti on June 5, 2014
Format: Paperback Verified Purchase
This book is a must read for anyone fighting cancer. I am using apricot seeds myself. Was told I needed chemo 2 yrs ago. Refused the chemo. Switched to plant based diet, discovered the apricot pit and have been cancer free over 2 yrs. Plus the status of the tumor changed in four weeks from an aggressive growing cancer to a slower growing cancer. I had the tumor removed in April of 2012. It has never returned. I do thermograms instead of mammorgrams. Radiation is very toxic and cancer causing. My tumor was not discovered by mammogram. In fact mammogram missed it when it was in stage 0. This doctor was an amazing man who gave his life to help others. Some who are still living today. I would like to state that I also have a breast ultra-sound in conjunction with the thermogram. The most recent ultra-sound found zero cancer as did the thermogram.

I would like to add this to my review: I was 'talked into' using fear to have radiation. While the tech was preparing me for the radiation dose I told her I was praying for a cancer cure. She stated, "Oh, honey, if they ever find a cure it will never pass. There is too much money in this business." Then she turned around and said with a big smile,: "I have job security." Mind you, after a week of seeing me, none of them, including the radiologist ever called me by my name. They had to detach from all of us as they "know in secret" that they are poisoning us. Why do they hide behind a huge metal door when giving radiation if it is so safe? One day all of this chemo/radiation will be called a crime on humanity. God gave us medical cures in the plants and trees. Gen.1:29-30, Ezekiel 47:12 No one ever died from eating pure natural food. We are dying from processed food and toxins.
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10 of 10 people found the following review helpful By Scott Esk on January 3, 2014
Format: Paperback Verified Purchase
In my search to find what has worked and not worked against cancer, this is a refreshing book to get my hands on finally. It was written years ago, but its message is timeless. If government is prevented from interfering with the application of science, we'll see cancer become just another deficiency disease, and will better know how to combat it with good nutrition and the like, which consensus medicine despises. This book helped motivate me to run for State Representative in the 91st District of Oklahoma to help pass nullification legislation designed to eventually abolish the FDA, and eliminate government interference with applied sciences like medicine as much as possible. Down with the FDA :-(
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7 of 7 people found the following review helpful By Sandy on October 3, 2013
Format: Paperback Verified Purchase
The case histories are beyond belief. Cancer isn't a one stop cure, maybe not one single method will cure all cancers. But, if I came down with cancer, I would head to the nearest Laetrile clinic. The studies appear to be very thorough and the political and medical back stabbing are really eye opening. It's hard to believe that large medical establishments would let themselves be swayed by monetary gains. But, that appears to be the world we live in right now. This book reads like a spy thriller to stop a perfectly good cancer cure that is both inexpensive and easy on the body. Doctors and hospitals are under intense pressure to accept only the standard cancer treatments. They face fines, removal of licenses and ridicule from their peers if they promote inexpensive cures. Years ago, I thought it sounded absurd that anyone would ignore a logical cancer cure. Not any more. Great book to the open minded individual interested in a safe treatment that won't kill the healthy cells in your body. It's a winner for me.
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謝謝!我會仔細看的。我並非一定要她做chemo,我也不願意她傷了根本,可是以針灸和草藥,那也太搞了吧? -sac- 給 sac 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 02/27/2015 postreply 06:43:46

看來你是真的不太了解癌症的治療,我也不可能把自己所知道的一口氣都告訴你。 -tournier- 給 tournier 發送悄悄話 tournier 的博客首頁 (343 bytes) () 02/27/2015 postreply 14:27:13



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