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W Dougals Brodie的醫生 (M.D.) 在觀察了各種癌症病人30多年後是這樣概括各類癌症性格的(Cancer Personality):

1 Being highly conscientious, caring, dutiful, responsible, hard-working, and usually above average intelligence.

2 Exhibits a strong tendency towards carrying other people’s burdens and toward taking on extra obligations, and often “worrying for others”.

3 Having a deep – seated need to make others happy. Being a “people pleaser” with a great need for approval.

4 Often lacking closeness with one or both parents, which sometimes, later in life, results in lack of closeness with spouse or others who would normally be close.

5 Harbours long – suppressed toxic emotions, such as anger, resentment, and /or hostility. The cancer – susceptible individual typically internalizes such emotions and has great difficulty expressing them.

6 Reacts adversely to stress and often unable to cope adequately with such stress. Usually experiences an especially damaging event about 2 years before the onset of detectable cancer.

對於健康的定義,我喜歡這樣的表述(來自一本書):”Health is the ability of a living organism to experience stress and remain symptom free, wherein the systems of the body exist in a natural state of harmony and equipoise, each to other.”

上段話中對健康有影響的 stress 包括哪些呢?舉例來講,可以包括氣候、溫度、細菌、病毒、環境汙染、腐敗的食物、不潔淨的水、缺乏足夠的食物、太多食物、過量的飲水或缺水、營養不良、睡眠不足、焦慮、爭吵、悲傷、衰老還有 prescription medication 等等,這都是對健康有不良影響的stress。(為了清楚地表述,下麵的話我引述書中的原文)But stress all by itself is not enough to make us sick ( unless it is very strong stress),it is the strength of the body and its degree of health, that makes the difference and tips the scale in the direction of health or illness

當身體承受著不良 stress 時,會有下麵兩種反應:

1 The stress is countered by our built in defence mechanisms, the body maintain its integrity and balance, and no symptoms are generated. Health persists.

2 The stress is too strong for our body to handle. The stress breaks through our defences and destabilizes the system. The body compensates and generates symptoms.

If the body is strong enough, it restabilises itself all by itself, and the symptoms disappear. Health is recoveredIf the body is not strong enough, it remains de-stabilized, and the symptoms of the illness persist until a medical treatment is delivered.

Medical treatments which suppress the symptoms of the illness only manage the symptoms of the diseasesMedical treatments that are curative bring the systems of the body into a state of balance and equipoise, at which time the body stops generating the symptoms of the illness and a balanced state of health resumes: the illness is cured.

Dr Veronique Desaulniers(這位醫生本人就是乳腺癌康複者)在她的書 Healing Breast Cancer Naturally 用 4D 來概括癌症病人可能有的不良情緒:

1) Deep anxiety
2) Deferred hope
3) Disappointment
4) Depression


It is an accepted scientific fact that stress is responsible for over 80% of all diseases. The effect of emotional and psychological stress is a complex dance involving hormones, various parts of your brain, and your Immune System. Here is an oversimplified of the step by step process that leads to disease.

1 About 18 months to 2 years before your diagnosis, there may have been a life-changing or traumatic event that triggered intense psychological and emotional stress.

2 This led to feelings of despair, hopeless, and maybe even “giving up”

3 The emotional centre of your brain, the limbic system, records and senses the emotional stress.

4 The limbic system is connected to hypothalamus and communicates the stress response through various neurochemicals and nerve pathways.

5 This reaction to stress causes the hypothalamus to suppress the Immune System which allows for more growth of cancer cells.

6 The hypothalamus also is connected to the pituitary gland (腦垂體) in the brain, which is the master gland and regulator of our hormones.

7 The hypothalamus communicates stress to the pituitary gland, which causes the pituitary to alter health hormones function. An imbalance on our hormones can create an increase in the growth and production of abnormal cells.

8 Since the Immune System has been suppressed by the hypothalamus, the condition for cancer to multiply is set.




謝分享。 -夏日怡心- 給 夏日怡心 發送悄悄話 (6 bytes) () 02/21/2015 postreply 05:06:06

好文,值得讀。謝分享 -LEE-M- 給 LEE-M 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 02/21/2015 postreply 10:04:18

謝謝各位認同 -tournier- 給 tournier 發送悄悄話 tournier 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 02/22/2015 postreply 05:14:49



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