
回答: 謝謝分享,幾個問題。天兒晴了2015-02-09 08:48:17
1,文中說John Richardson(權且當作是他)27個月因Laetrile獲利250萬,文中又說Laetrile幾乎沒有療效,這對我來說有些矛盾。因為美國人口不象中國那麽密集,得癌症的人口更加少,他是怎麽忽悠患者在27個月買了他價值250萬的沒有療效的藥物呢?



關於苦杏仁素從業人員和行業的巨額盈利和苦杏仁素毒性的深度了解 我抄錄了一小段(小字體部分)
“she accompanied her husband to Dr. Richardson’s office when he went there for treatment. He received vitamin B15 with laetrile. She brought one of the vitamin B15 bottle to the court…That bottle bears the label Krebs Laboratories…the bottle of B15 cost $15.00. She stated that she paid over $3000 to Dr. Richardson for her husband’s treatment”

“She spent approximately $100,000 dollars on these quack/worthless treatments that gave her false hope, which her insurance paid nothing for.” In 2005 my sister, who was also quite healthy, was diagnosed with clinical stage I breast cancer, low grade, with a very good prognosis. Unfortunately, she refused surgery and all other recommended adjuvant treatment for her cancer(anti-hormone therapy/tamoxifen, possible chemo), refused to return to the surgeon and oncologist, and instead embarked on a course of naturopathic and alternative medicine, including an organic vegan diet, juicing and consuming carrots until her face literally turned yellow-orange, vitamin infusions, laetrile, insulin potentiation therapy, etc. She also walked miles every day (until she was too weak to walk). Over the course of the next 8 1/2 years, the lumps in her breast got bigger and bigger, the tumors even ulcerating/oozing through her breast, her arm began to swell with lymphedema from the lymph node involvement, and then she got bone pain, at which point we knew the cancer was metastatic (she wouldn't get scans because, well, radiation causes cancer, you know; such is the logic of those who have a propensity for alternative medicine). This all occurred over the course of 8 1/2 years from time of diagnosis. Oh, and she also thought Jesus was going to heal her. Well, guess what. Jesus didn't come through and neither did any of the alternative medicine treatments--which really aren't medicine at all, as alternative quite simply means there have been no controlled studies to prove their effectiveness. She spent approximately $100,000 dollars on these quack/worthless treatments that gave her false hope, which her insurance paid nothing for. My beautiful sister died a horrific death in January, cachectic/looking like a prisoner of war, gasping for air with her tongue hanging out, trying to hold onto her life/not go to sleep forever. That scene is forever imprinted in my mind. Unfortunately, she had a husband who had a propensity for alternative medicine and who encouraged her along this path of destruction throughout, instead of trying to get her to return to the doctors, and none of us could convince her otherwise. At her funeral, my brother-in-law said she lived LONGER because of the course she took (receiving no conventional treatment/only receiving alternative treatments and praying to God). My brother, who is an M.D., stood at the back, and every time my brother-in-law said something untrue about my sister's cancer, her prognosis, or the course of alternative medicine and God that she pursued, my brother shook his head "no." She left seven children behind, not to mention some devastated and angry family members (those of us who did not support what she did). Unfortunately, like my sister, you don't seem to understand the significance of staging in cancer. A stage III lung cancer, which your friend had, does not have a good prognosis even with conventional medical treatment. A stage I (as well as low-grade/non-aggressive) breast cancer, which my sister had, does have a good prognosis--that is why my sister lived 8 1/2 years in spite of leaving the tumors in place to spread/metasticize. My sister is dead because she refused conventional treatment (the surgery was the single-most important thing she could have done. We spent 8+ years watching her slowly spiral towards her death. Your friend did not die because she had conventional treatment or because she refused alternative treatment; she died because, like the vast majority of lung cancer patients, she was diagnosed with late-stage disease (my understanding is that most lung cancers are already metastatic/stage IV at the time of diagnosis, which means that they are not curable). With a Stage III diagnosis, unfortunately your friend did not have a good prognosis. It is unfortunate, but those are the facts. 

2, 還有關於John Richardson的人品。如果他就是一個唯利是圖的人,他的朋友(我忘了名字了)怎麽會願意站出來為他說話?要知道他已經鋃鐺入獄,麵對的是國家機器和強大的正規醫療部門。如果你我是他的朋友,會在什麽情況下願意站出來為他說話? 

Richardson是John Birch Society的人,他們會為他說話。可能不是人品問題,有政治因素卷入。一個簡單的例子,希特勒是壞人,但他的擁護者數以百萬計。 


病人多數是真誠的,但很多時候他們分不清到底是藥物的作用,還是其所患癌症並不非常惡性的關係。有一些也同時化療,但他們將效果歸功於苦杏仁。請參考Chad Green的例子和上麵的花了十萬元治癌的例子。 




希望您多多從各方麵了解實情。If something sounds too good to be true, it is most likely not true.