看看您是否符合 Coronary Artery Spasm

chest pain (angina)
pain on the left side of your chest
chest tightness
feeling of constriction

occurs exclusively during rest
lasts from five minutes to as long as 30 minutes at a time
occurs most often at night or early morning

nitrates, which can help dilate arteries and relax artery walls. Nitrates may be prescribed both as a long-term medication and as a pill to have on hand, should an episode occur.
L-arginine, a dietary supplement that can prevent spasms,
calcium channel blockers can reduce chest tightness by relaxing arterial muscle. This medication may be taken on a long-term basis.

我自己有此毛病,所以隨身攜帶有 丹參滴丸,川芎救心丸,和硝酸甘油。 我做過EBT 檢查,冠脈沒有斑塊和狹窄。


同意 -宋喬1981- 給 宋喬1981 發送悄悄話 宋喬1981 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 01/19/2015 postreply 13:59:38

謝謝。 我就照此思路看看相關文獻。 -sangehaizidema- 給 sangehaizidema 發送悄悄話 sangehaizidema 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 01/20/2015 postreply 10:13:25
