
Many recent papers describe small flat colorectal adenomas with a purportedly high malignant potential (

To prevent initial or recurrent colorectal adenomas, a diet
that is low in fat and high in fruits, vegetables, and fiber is
recommended. Normal body weight should be maintained,
and smoking and excessive alcohol use should be avoided.
Daily dietary supplementation with3gof calcium carbon-
ate may reduce the recurrence of adenomas.

Other preventive measures (i.e., supplementation with aspirin and
other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), sele-
nium, or folic acid), supported by indirect data, cannot yet
be recommended pending the results of ongoing clinical
trials showing both efficacy and a good risk– benefit ratio.
Patients who have had colonoscopic resection of a colo-rectal adenomatous poly

people often ask if there is anything they can do to prevent recurrent polyps or cancer. Epidemiolog-
ical and animal studies strongly implicate environmental factors, especially diet, as a cause of colorectal adenomatous polyps and cancer (82). Populations in high-incidence coun-
tries tend to consume a diet that is high in animal meat and total fat and is relatively low in fruits, vegetables, and fiber.Excessive calorie intake leading to obesity also has been
linked to the risk of developing colorectal neoplasia (Evidence-based guidelines now recommend several pri-
mary preventive measures that an individual might take to
improve health and reduce the risk of developing colorectal
adenomas and cancer. The National Cancer Institute encour-
ages Americans to eat a diet that is low in fat and high in
fruits, vegetables, and fiber (84). Specifically, fat intake
should not exceed 25–30% of total calories. The diet should
contain both substantial varieties and amounts of fruits and
vegetables (at least five servings per day). Total fiber intake
by adults should equal 20 –30 g per day. Although one
recent long-term study employing dietary questionnaires in
relatively young female nurses found no protective effect of
total dietary fiber, a number of earlier studies suggest that
regular consumption of wheat bran may be beneficial (85, 86).
Total calorie intake should not exceed energy requirements so
that normal body weight consistently is maintained.
