
來源: 閩姑 2015-01-05 19:59:10 [] [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (10505 bytes)

今年的流感病人比較多。今天接到一位101歲的長壽老太太。她現在還能夠一個人住在家裏。自己走路到一個街區遠的超市買菜,自己煮飯。 可是昨天發燒不舒服了,自己又打911讓EMS一早送她進ER。老太太瘦,5英尺2英寸高,體重才87.5磅。育有一兒兩女,小兒子和二女兒還健在。中飯時廚房為她送來了她點的chicken noodle soup,可她直抱怨難喝,說沒她自己做的好喝。腦子還非常清楚啊,戴上眼鏡和用她包裏備著的放大鏡,知道第一劑量的tamiflu是什麽藥和做什麽用的,我們都很喜歡她。兩點鍾時樓上的住院部有床位了,她說她有個要求,讓我送她上去。我說好,百歲老人不多見,她點名了,是該送她上樓。交代同事幫忙看著其他病人,送她到Pulmonary/Vascular Unit裏。哇,32位病人,住著12位流感病人。Unit的醫生/護士/PCT都戴著口罩,怕自己傳染上再傳染給非流感病人。真快成Flu Unit了。分別時老太太在我戴著口罩的臉頰上送了一個香吻,說她知道流感病毒會傳染人,但是吻在口罩上不會有問題的。接收的護士樂了,直誇她懂的東西真多。真的,活到101歲,還能如此頭腦清醒,真是上天的一種恩賜與祝福。我要是能活到101歲,不見得會像她這樣。明天休息,星期三上班時會抽空上樓看她。以下是CDC關於流感的科普短文,幫助你了解如何對付發燒、幹咳及其它流感症狀。

Treat Fever

Bringing down a fever will help the person feel better. This child is having her temperature taken with a thermometer.

About Fever

Bringing down a fever will make the person feel better and help patients rest.

Treating a fever without medicine

  • Put a cool, damp washcloth on their forehead.
  • Wash their arms and body with a cool cloth.
  • Give the person a slightly warm bath.

Treating a high fever with medicine

  • Look for the ingredients “acetaminophen” or “ibuprofen” on labels.
  • These medicines may take 30 to 45 minutes to start working. They may not bring fevers down to normal temperature.

When a fever causes a seizure

A seizure makes you have jerky spasms and can also make you pass out. In rare cases, a fever can bring on a seizure, called a “febrile seizure.” Seizures brought on by fever are more common in young children. Call the doctor or get medical help for seizures.

Any child younger than 3 months who has a fever should see a doctor.

Treat Dry Cough

Coughing can help clear congestion when you are sick with the flu. Cover your cough with a tissue, like this man.

About coughs

Coughing can help clear out mucous and congestion from your lungs. Yet, dry coughs when there is no mucous can make your airways, throat, or chest sore. Treating a dry cough can stop this sore feeling and also help you get rest.

Treating a dry cough

  • Ask the pharmacist about which cough medicines are best to treat a dry cough. Do not give children younger than 4 years of age cough or cold medicines.
  • Set up a humidifier. That’s a machine that puts tiny drops of water (moisture) into the air. This extra moisture can make it easier for the sick person to breathe. 使用加濕器, 幫助呼吸.
  • Offer adults a cough drop or hard candy to soothe their throat and lessen the urge to cough.

Treat Other Flu Symptoms

Business/Employers Influenza Toolkit

Treating sore throat (咽痛)

Offer the person:

  • Acetaminophen or ibuprofen for the pain
  • Ice chips or frozen ice pops to numb the throat and get fluids into the body

Some people find gargling with salt water helps soothe a sore throat.

  • Mix 1 cup of warm water with 1 teaspoon of salt.
  • Gargle and then spit out.

Treating chills, aches, and pain

Offer the person:

  • A light blanket for chills
  • Acetaminophen or ibuprofen for aches and pain. Make sure to read the label for the right amount.

The flu can cause congestion which can lead to pain. This man is taking medicine such as a decongestant, to help.

Treating congestion

The flu can cause the body to make more mucous. The nose, sinuses, ears, and chest can get stuffy. This congestion can cause pain.

Offer the person:

  • Acetaminophen or ibuprofen for the pain
  • Decongestants (Talk to your pharmacist about the kind you should buy. Do not give cough or cold medicine to children younger than 4 years of age.) 不要給4歲以下的兒童用止咳或其它感冒藥.
  • A humidifier. That’s a machine that puts tiny drops of water (moisture) into the air. This extra moisture can make it easier for the sick person to breathe. 使用加濕器, 幫助呼吸.
  • A warm washcloth on the face to ease sinus pain

Treating stomach problems

People with the flu may have stomach pain. They may even throw up or have loose stools (diarrhea). Anyone with severe stomach pain should call the doctor.

Offer the person:

  • Plain foods that are easy on the stomach
  • Clear liquids to drink
  • Medicines to help adults treat loose stools

Medicine Safety & Children

Store all medicines out of reach of children. This woman reads the label of a prescription bottle from a cabinet where children can’t reach.

About medicines for children

  • Store all medicines out of reach of children. Place them in a locked cabinet where children can’t reach them.
  • Buy pain and fever medicines that say “children’s” on the label. Also, look for the words “acetaminophen” or “ibuprofen” on the label.
  • Call the doctor if your child is very small or very large for his or her age so you will be sure to give the right amount of medicine. The dose you give your child depends on the child’s age and weight.
  • Use a special medicine spoon, dropper, or the cap that came with the medicine. Wash the cap, dropper, or spoon with soap and water after each use.
  • Don’t give cough or cold medicines to children younger than 4 years of age.


Think your child age 18 or younger might have the flu?

Never give them aspirin or products with aspirin in them. 不要給小於18歲的孩子服用阿司匹林, 防止瑞氏綜合征.

Check all medicine labels to make sure they do not contain aspirin, also called salicylate. Although it mostly affects people age 18 or younger, Reye’s Syndrome can strike anyone who takes aspirin products when they have the flu.

Reye’s Syndrome is a rare, serious illness than can affect the blood, liver, and brain of someone who has recently had a flu virus. This illness can cause confusion, seizures, or coma. Talk to your child’s doctor about signs and symptoms of Reye’s Syndrome.





Thank you. -Torontosun- 給 Torontosun 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 01/06/2015 postreply 11:47:03



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