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Health Buzz: ‘Superbugs’ to Kill More Than Cancer by 2050

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Superbugs may make our current antibiotics obsolete.

Costs to top $100 Trillion

If current antibiotic prescription trends don’t change, untreatable “superbugs” could kill more people than cancer by 2050, according to a new review by economist Jim O’Neill. Deaths from these drug-resistant could reach 10 million per year worldwide by 2050, with costs ballooning to as much as $100 trillion.

The review was commissioned by U.K. Prime Minister David Cameron in July, and outlines the growing problem throughout the developed world of over-prescription of antibiotics. This over-prescription, coupled with people not completely finishing their course of drugs, makes the bacteria resistant to future treatment. Some diseases, like gonorrhea, are already immune to the majority of antibiotics traditionally used to fight it.

“This is a significant global problem, perhaps on the same dimension as climate change,” O’Neill said, according to Bloomberg Businessweek. “Trying to solve it is a bit like climate change. The cost of stopping the problem is significantly lower than the cost of not stopping the problem.”

