保健藥N.O. Express, Nitric Oxide Booster

我父親(78歲)自己在中國從美國的網上買了保健藥N.O. Express, Nitric Oxide Booster, 說明是“As a vasodilator, N.O. Express has the ability to increase your body's ability to deliver blood to working muscles. With more blood, more oxygen and nutrients are able to reach the muscle tissue. The anti-catabolic properties of N.O. Express can preserve muscle mass and may help:Increase strength, Increase recovery time, decrease muscle catabolism, Increase muscle size,Increase endurance,    Decrease fatigue.
好像是給運動員訓練用的, 不知可否用於擴血管, 是否等效禦醫生提到的Murad 的 Cardio Support(能否告訴你在哪買的)? 它的成份是Proprietary N.O. Muscle Matrix
L-arginine AKG, l-arginine DL-malate, l-citrulline l-malate, l-tyrosine, trimethylglycine, MicroLactin (IgG hyperimmune micronutrient peptide) caffeine USP & evodiamine 98%, 加上VB3, VB6, Folic Acid, etc.

我父親說吃了該藥後有些效果,頭沒有那麽暈了。他的血管堵了80-90%, 但沒有高血壓,主要症狀是頭暈。我耽心該藥不適合他, 雖然也有L-arginine 左旋精氨酸。 很想聽聽大家的建議, 不勝感謝! 另外,他還服用醫生開的玻力維擴血管的處方藥。
