A diagnostic right breast mammogram was ordered because they did not see the nodule on the right breast on the ultrasound and to see if there was another way of picking it up besides the clinical breast exam.
The baseline or screening was for the left only and I think you can wait until after you see what the genetic counselor thinks your risk is and if there is any finding on the right. You may not need a mammogram for the left breast at this time. I don't think there is any harm to getting it; however, not sure of benefit, unless your overall risk is higher than expected. Usually, would start at 40 to 50 years old. I think the radiologist may have thought your risk was higher than it may be.
謝謝你,你說的對,是diagnostic,這是我的family doc的回信
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12/02/2014 postreply
謝謝你,我今天約了genetic consoling,我想做BROCA,不知道能不能做呢
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12/02/2014 postreply