
來源: pamperedpaws 2014-11-07 13:29:31 [] [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (3000 bytes)
回答: 人類食物來源改變史pamperedpaws2014-11-07 13:25:07
Approx. 10,000 B.C.: The beginning of the "Neolithic" period, or "Agricultural Revolution," i.e., farming and animal husbandry. The transition to agriculture was made necessary by gradually increasing population pressures due to the success of Homo sapiens' prior hunting and gathering way of life. (Hunting and gathering can support perhaps one person per square 10 miles; Neolithic agriculture 100 times or more that many.[61]) Also, at about the time population pressures were increasing, the last Ice Age ended, and many species of large game became extinct (probably due to a combination of both intensive hunting and disappearance of their habitats when the Ice Age ended).[62] Wild grasses and cereals began flourishing,* making them prime candidates for the staple foods to be domesticated, given our previous familiarity with them.[63] By 9,000 B.C. sheep and goats were being domesticated in the Near East, and cattle and pigs shortly after, while wheat, barley, and legumes were being cultivated somewhat before 7,000 B.C., as were fruits and nuts, while meat consumption fell enormously.[64] By 5,000 B.C. agriculture had spread to all inhabited continents except Australia.[65] During the time since the beginning of the Neolithic, the ratio of plant-to-animal foods in the diet has sharply increased from an average of probably 65%/35%* during Paleolithic times[66] to as high as 90%/10% since the advent of agriculture.[67]

Remains of fossil humans indicate decrease in health status after the Neolithic. In most respects, the changes in diet from hunter-gatherer times to agricultural times have been almost all detrimental, although there is some evidence we'll discuss later indicating that at least some genetic adaptation to the Neolithic has begun taking place in the approximately 10,000 years since it began. With the much heavier reliance on starchy foods that became the staples of the diet, tooth decay, malnutrition, and rates of infectious disease increased dramatically over Paleolithic times, further exacerbated by crowding leading to even higher rates of communicable infections.

Skeletal remains show that height decreased by four inches* from the Late Paleolithic to the early Neolithic, brought about by poorer nutrition, and perhaps also by increased infectious disease causing growth stress, and possibly by some inbreeding in communities that were isolated. Signs of osteoporosis and anemia, which was almost non-existent in pre-Neolithic times, have been frequently noted in skeletal pathologies observed in the Neolithic peoples of the Middle East. It is known that certain kinds of osteoporosis which have been found in these skeletal remains are caused by anemia, and although the causes have not yet been determined exactly, the primary suspect is reduced levels of iron thought to have been caused by the stress of infectious disease rather than dietary deficiency, although the latter remains a possibility.[68]


你給出的link很好。相比打獵和農耕,采集的時間在人類的發展史上要長得多。這就產生了一個問題: -吃與活- 給 吃與活 發送悄悄話 吃與活 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 11/07/2014 postreply 13:40:16

人類的生理是否已經進化得適應吃肉和吃米了。高發的糖尿病和心髒病是不是說明人類不完全適合吃肉吃米呢? -吃與活- 給 吃與活 發送悄悄話 吃與活 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 11/07/2014 postreply 13:41:28

根絕我的學習和閱讀,人和人不一樣,不能一刀切。有的人比較適應plant base,像您這樣的;有的人適應肉食(我可能是這種類型) -pamperedpaws- 給 pamperedpaws 發送悄悄話 pamperedpaws 的博客首頁 (153 bytes) () 11/07/2014 postreply 13:54:20

說的沒錯。人與人差別很大,各人應根據自己的情況選擇。少數人大量吃米吃肉沒事,但其中有些人也可能是還沒到時候 -吃與活- 給 吃與活 發送悄悄話 吃與活 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 11/07/2014 postreply 14:01:33

那是,我小時候算胖的,現在回頭一看,他們都比我胖了,哈哈哈。 -pamperedpaws- 給 pamperedpaws 發送悄悄話 pamperedpaws 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 11/07/2014 postreply 14:36:36

您是否考慮過高發糖尿病和心髒病是澱粉和肉食同時的作用而不是單方麵的?澱粉的絕對數和比例升高比肉食大很多。 -pamperedpaws- 給 pamperedpaws 發送悄悄話 pamperedpaws 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 11/07/2014 postreply 13:56:00

二者都不好,加起來最糟糕。同意精製澱粉是大壞蛋。俺不反對吃肉,隻是反對大量地吃 -吃與活- 給 吃與活 發送悄悄話 吃與活 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 11/07/2014 postreply 14:05:42

每1種都吃點,別挑食就不大可能過食某物。另外,諸君所討論,無論何種食物,都可能是某些人為添加藥物毒物的載體。 -大江川- 給 大江川 發送悄悄話 大江川 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 11/07/2014 postreply 14:12:28

何為大量?吃肥肉算吃肉嗎,吃肉的時候肥肉和蛋白質的最佳比例是什麽 -pamperedpaws- 給 pamperedpaws 發送悄悄話 pamperedpaws 的博客首頁 (149 bytes) () 11/07/2014 postreply 14:30:46

好論。 -大江川- 給 大江川 發送悄悄話 大江川 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 11/07/2014 postreply 15:03:50

這種問題沒有答案,我說了也會有人反對。所以還是自己對自己負責吧 -吃與活- 給 吃與活 發送悄悄話 吃與活 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 11/07/2014 postreply 15:07:02

不妨說說,討論者不應忌諱反對者。 -大江川- 給 大江川 發送悄悄話 大江川 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 11/07/2014 postreply 15:15:34

何出此言,把不同比例都試一試不就有答案了嗎,自己試不了的,找別人的實驗看看也行。 -pamperedpaws- 給 pamperedpaws 發送悄悄話 pamperedpaws 的博客首頁 (141 bytes) () 11/07/2014 postreply 15:25:51

"要得出令人信服的答案,還有很長的路要走" -吃與活- 給 吃與活 發送悄悄話 吃與活 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 11/07/2014 postreply 15:38:22

你願意走走試試看嗎,願意的話繼續討論下去 -pamperedpaws- 給 pamperedpaws 發送悄悄話 pamperedpaws 的博客首頁 (6 bytes) () 11/07/2014 postreply 15:44:03



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