
來源: 誌在千裏 2014-11-06 21:28:00 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (1519 bytes)
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美國老師尤其在灣區pay的低,工作壓力大。一天要教5學時。 上海重點中學老師隻教2-3小時。 美國老師素質一般,進teacher‘school GPA常常隻要2.5. 醫學院3.5還進不了好的。 所以下意識中拿學生出氣的不少(我孩子觀察的)。這樣問題就來了。
Posted by iSez
a resident of Palo Alto High School
19 hours ago
iSez is a registered user.

[Portion removed.] Academic stress. Always sleep-deprived. Clearly, a change is needed in PAUSD. I'm tired of hearing community college is okay, grades of B are okay, and AP classes are unnecessary. At other schools in the nation, APs are less rigorous, grades of As aren't rare. There are ways to teach students so they learn but are not tortured. Some teachers in PAUSD get it; some don't. They all need to get it. Reform now.

Posted by Mary & Vic Ojakian
a resident of University South
on Nov 4, 2014 at 3:02 pm
Mary & Vic Ojakian is a registered user.
It is true that youth are more impulsive as the part of the brain involved in impulse control is not fully developed. So impulsivity often plays into the suicide of a young person.



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