1。今天要求領導給我吃salmon, 我自己多多 add more sunflower seeds into my salad。
2。record 跳痛 時間,頻率,部位,觀察3-6 月,然後,report to my doctor or maybe update with you.
3. 明天proposal due, 之後,把其他事情放下,好好休息,play more violin and then sleep.
1。今天要求領導給我吃salmon, 我自己多多 add more sunflower seeds into my salad。
2。record 跳痛 時間,頻率,部位,觀察3-6 月,然後,report to my doctor or maybe update with you.
3. 明天proposal due, 之後,把其他事情放下,好好休息,play more violin and then sleep.
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