and this trial does not require PD-L1 positivity. So far, 25% lung cancer patients benefited, but if PD-L1 negative patients are excluded in the calculation, effective rate gets higher.
from my blog -
"... Good news, the anti-PD1 drug nivolumab now has phase 3/4 trial which admits almost everyone. They are recruiting 700-1000 lung cancer patients all over the country. So, I dropped some tissue slides there and I even signed a contract! The two doctors offices miss-communicated a little bit. End result is – I am eligible for the ph3/4 trial but am not starting it right now.
Unlike some other phase 3 or 4 studies in which some patients receive placebo or older therapy, in this study (NCT02066636) everyone will be receiving real drug injections for a year. After a year, they will be divided (or “randomized”) into 2 groups, group 1 will continue injections, group 2 will stop. But, when patient in group 2 has disease progress, they will be allowed to re-start the injections.
My understanding of this design – according to what I have heard from melanoma trails with this drug, some lucky patients essentially get cured after continuous injections for half or a year, so it is very tempting to try the same on lung cancer. CURE! Cure LUNG CANCER? – imaging the impact."
old news, a while ago my cancer (primary tumor) tested negative for expression of the PD-L1 antigen :(
NCT02066636 is now recruiting in multiple locations
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08/25/2014 postreply
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08/25/2014 postreply
Keep your hopes up! You will find the one for you。保重!
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08/25/2014 postreply
Hope people can find new drugs for you soon.
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08/25/2014 postreply